
Vultus analyses demonstrate exceptional accuracy in Lyckeby's three-year potato field trials, as confirmed by comparative studies.
juni 26, 2024

Comparative studies confirm high accuracy in Vultus analyses during Lyckeby's three-year field trials

Vultus, in collaboration with Lyckeby and Hushållningssällskapet, has developed a satellite image analysis algorithm for precision fertilization in potato farming, demonstrating superior accuracy in predicting leaf nitrogen content in Swedish field trials.
A stable and higher production in Malmö
maart 14, 2023

Avebe implements WCOM to achieve a stable and higher production at AB Stadex in Malmö

At Avebe's AB Stadex production location in Malmö, Sweden, an improvement project was recently completed in the HSD (Hot Soluble Department). Roger Riesbeck, Improvement Technician at AB Stadex spoke about collaboration and the role of the WCOM program.
European Commission's positive conclusion on continued use of CRISPR for a competitive and green future.
mei 07, 2021

Swedish Starch industry pleased with European Commission's positive conclusion on the use of CRISPR

On 29 April 2021, the European Commission published a study into new genomic techniques and the consequences of the European Court of Justice's July 2018 judgment.
Scandi Standard partners with Veg of Lund in research project to develop potato based meat-substitute
november 17, 2020

Scandi Standard partners with Veg of Lund in research project to develop potato based meat-substitute

Scandi Standard, the leading producer of chicken products in the Nordic region, partners with Veg of Lund AB in a research project to develop a meat-substitute similar to chicken based on potato and rapeseed oil.
Avebe Stadex production manager: 'Taking responsibility is the foundation of success'
januari 01, 2019

Avebe Stadex production manager: 'Taking responsibility is the foundation of success'

In this interview for Avebe Magazine, Emir Suljic, Production manager at Avebe Stadex in Malmö, Sweden describes his position and how he sees his job.
Ingredion launches Potex potato fibers in partnership with Lyckeby
november 13, 2018

Ingredion launches Potex potato fibers in partnership with Lyckeby

Food Ingredient company Ingredion has introduced a new clean label potato fibre to its portfolio in order to bring increased functionality, quality and potential cost savings to manufacturers of bakery, savoury and meat products.
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Potato Starch Company Lyckeby announce Strategic Alliance with Ingredion
augustus 08, 2017

Potato Starch Company Lyckeby announce Strategic Alliance with Ingredion

Lyckeby, the Swedish manufacturer of potato-based starch and fibre products has yesterday formed a new strategic alliance with Ingredion.
december 12, 2011

Potato Harvest of table potatoes in Sweden up 7%

The Swedish harvest of table potatoes (all potatoes, only excludes potatoes used for starch production) is estimated at 581.000 tonnes. This is 38.100 tonnes or 7 percent more than the total harvest in 2010. Four counties dominate the cultivation of t...
mei 19, 2011

Greenpeace blokkeert opslagplaats genetich gemodificeerde aardappelen BASF

Donderdag blokkeerden actievoeders van Greenpeace in Zweden een opslagplaats waar het Duitse bedrijf BASF genetisch gemodificeerde Amflora-aardappelen bewaart.
september 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.
september 06, 2010

La CE confirma el cultivo ilegal de una patata transgénica en Suecia

La Comisión Europea (CE) ha confirmado hoy el cultivo de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada no permitida por la UE en campos de Suecia y ha pedido explicaciones a la compañía responsable, la alemana BASF. El portavoz comunitario de Sanida...


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