Odisha State plan for self-sufficiency for seed potatoes hits roadblock
augustus 20, 2015

Odisha State plan for self-sufficiency for seed potatoes hits roadblock

The Odisha State Government’s plan to achieve self- sufficiency in seed potato production has gone for a toss with the National Seeds Corporation (NSC) and National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation (NHRDF) backing out of its commitment to produce quality seeds within the State.
Dewulf-Miedema present full line of potato cultivation machinery at Potato Europe
augustus 20, 2015

Dewulf-Miedema present full line of potato cultivation machinery at Potato Europe

On 2 and 3 September 2015 the entire potato chain will pass the revue again during Potato Europe in Doornik, Belgium. Dewulf and Miedema will show their most recent potato cultivation technology.
Scottish potato crop suffers from wet summer
augustus 16, 2015

Scottish potato crop suffers from wet summer

Experts fear that in Scotland the combination of scaled back potato planting and a drop in yield due to wet weather could lead to a shortage of potatoes.
6 row Baselier HFD6LKB550 hydraulic foldable haulm topper
augustus 15, 2015

High speed vine killing: the next generation haulm toppers

Last week APH Poland successfully put a 6 row Baselier HFD6LKB550 hydraulic foldable haulm topper into operation at the farm of Mr. Wojciech Baranowski.
 Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance
augustus 12, 2015

Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance

The latest Focus on Potato webcast, titled “Best Management Tactics and Fungicide Resistance in Early Blight and Brown Spot” highlights the importance of measures to mitigate fungicide resistance, particularly when applied and repeatedly used on a single site.
Wisconsin Badger CommonTater now available online
augustus 10, 2015

Wisconsin Badger CommonTater now available online

Badger Common’Tater, a leading source of news, education and highlights of Wisconsin’s potato and vegetable industry is now available online.
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Matt Porter of Porter Farms in Presque Isle cultivates crops on his sixth generation farm in July 2015 where he works with his father and where he himself has farmed for 15 years (Courtesy: Bangor Daily News / Brianne O'Leary)
augustus 06, 2015

McCain Foods’ nurse crop project may help increase potato yields

Representatives from McCain Foods are excited about a new project under way in Aroostook County that has some farmers planting their usual acreage of potatoes right on top of a bed of winter rye, barley or oats.
Potato Psyllids (Courtesy: Center for Invasive Species Research)
juli 23, 2015

Potatoes New Zealand: Potato Psyllid well under control thanks to research

Potatoes New Zealand chief executive Champak Mehta says the industry now has the potato psyllid well under control thanks to the knowledge gained through research.
Dewulf and Miedema continue dealer restructuring in France
juli 22, 2015

Dewulf and Miedema continue dealer restructuring in France

With the dealer restructuring in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany complete, Dewulf & Miedema continue their dealer restructuring in Western Europe with the North of France.
Potato field in Washington (Courtesy: Norm Nelson Inc. / The Packer)
juli 22, 2015

Washington and Oregon Potato Growers Nervous about Hot and Dry Conditions

Fresh-market potato growers in Washington and Oregon may not know what their 2015-16 crop will look like until they start harvesting, which should be a week or two earlier than usual.
Rwanda potato farmers in Nyabbihu ready to take the produce to the market (Courtesy: The New Times)
juli 19, 2015

Potato Growers in Rwanda will benefit from new distribution system

In Rwanda, a new potato wholesale market in the capital Kigali and collection centres in areas where potatoes are grown are part of a plan to modernize the value supply chain for the potato crop.
Argentina: El cultivo de la papa incorpora la agricultura de precisión y da un salto productivo
juli 18, 2015

Argentina: El cultivo de la papa incorpora la agricultura de precisión y da un salto productivo

Formagro, una empresa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, especializada en imágenes satelitales, desarrolló un manejo diferencial según la aptitud de los suelos; lo está aplicando la multinacional McCain en el país y apunta a instalarlo en otras partes del mundo.
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El invernadero más moderno de América Latina para producir semilla de papa fue inaugurado en Ecuador
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El invernadero más moderno de América Latina para producir semilla de papa fue inaugurado en Ecuador

El presidente Rafael Correa inauguró el jueves un invernadero inteligente para producir semillas de papa de alta calidad. Tal avance permitirá incrementar la producción de 8 a 20 toneladas métricas por hectárea, aumentar los ingresos de pequeños campesinos, sustituir las importaciones y eventualmente exportar el tubérculo.
The New Nedato Website
juli 13, 2015

Nedato launches a new website and corporate identity

Dutch potato company Nedato - specialized in handling and sales of ware potatoes and potatoes for the European processing industry - has launched a new website and corporate identity.
Impression of the Jaeren Region - Norway's Food Basket
juni 18, 2015

Potato trouble in Norway

In Norway, farmers in the Jæren region, south of Stavanger, fear that their potato harvest is in danger, following unusually heavy rainfall this spring.
Monsanto attempts to take over Syngenta
juni 10, 2015

Syngenta rejects second merger proposal Monsanto

Syngenta has rejected an updated merger proposal from Monsanto.
Late blight on a potato leaf (Courtesy: Sue Boyetchko, AAFC)
juni 08, 2015

Research: naturally-occurring bacteria may protect potatoes against late blight

A research scientist at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada has discovered that naturally-occurring bacteria in soil may offer protection against late blight (Phytophthora Infestans).
Disponible el último número de la Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa
juni 01, 2015

Disponible el último número de la Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa

Con trabajos de investigación sobre mosca minadora de las hojas (Liriomyza huidobrensis), tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestans), sarna negra (Rhizoctonia solani), marchitamiento y punta (Fusarium solani), bioinsumos y producción de papa.


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