
Scotty Brand announces first Ayrshire potatoes.
juni 24, 2021

Scotty Brand announces first Ayrshire potatoes

Scotty Brand (a brand of Albert Bartlett Ltd) has welcomed the start of its potato and Scottish strawberry season in Ayrshire. The company has great sales hopes after the number of Scots buying local vegetables has increased.
juni 22, 2021

Onderzoek: Veerkracht en innovatie in de Europese agrarische sector

De Wageningen University & Research heeft onderzoek gedaan naar de veerkracht van de agrarische sector. Hoe bewegen boeren en hun omgeving mee? Denk aan de wisselende weersomstandigheden, klimaatverandering en het overheidsbeleid.
Potato of Bologna PDO.
juni 17, 2021

Italy: High temperatures and continuous irrigation for the Potato of Bologna PDO

This year the cultivation area of the Bologna PDO grew by 17 percent, from 419 to 489 hectares, also thanks to the good prices obtained in the last two years.
España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad.
juni 08, 2021

España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad

La pretensión de los productores y comercializadores de patata del Campo de Cartagena de obtener una figura de calidad diferenciada, contará con el respaldo del Gobierno murciano.
El alto coste del cultivo y los bajos e inestables precios apenas dejan 770 hectáreas.
juni 04, 2021

La superficie dedicada al cultivo de patata en Córdoba, España, pierde una quinta parte en veinte años

A lo largo de las próximas semanas comenzará la campaña de recogida de la patata, un cultivo que ha ido perdiendo peso en los últimos años en la provincia de Córdoba tanto en términos de superficie como de cosecha.
España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León.
juni 04, 2021

España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León

El Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Catilla y León ha aprobado una subvención de 65.000 euros a la Organización Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León (OIPACYL) para fortalecer y equilibrar el sector de la patata.
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UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology.
juni 02, 2021

UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology

British carbon capture and utilization company CCm Technologies has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop new modular Carbon Capture and Sequestration units.
Stoller - VigorSeed: fast and uniform germination of potato seeds.
mei 27, 2021

Stoller - VigorSeed: fast and uniform germination of potato seeds

VigorSeed is a product based on the Stoller technology which promotes the germination of seeds by improving the growth and development of roots for quicker planting. Using VigorSeed in the furrows when planting potato seeds will give your crop a head start, maximizing the chances of obtaining higher yields and optimal quality.
Ukrainian Potato Day will be held on August 26-27, 2021, co-located with the 1st Irrigation Show and Conference
mei 26, 2021

Ukrainian Potato Day will be held on August 26-27, 2021, co-located with the 1st Irrigation Show and Conference

Ukrainian Potato Day, with a catchy subtitle 'Potato Blockchain', goes ahead on August 26-27, 2021 in Chulakivka, Kherson Region. It is the only specialized event for potato production in Ukraine organized in close cooperation between the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers and DLG Ukraine LLC.
AVR Ceres 440 gathers planting data from Potato Europe demo fields
mei 24, 2021

AVR Ceres 440 potato planter gathers data from Potato Europe demo fields

In April '21, AVR, manufacturer of a full range of machinery for the cultivation of potatoes, lent the services of its newest, cloud connected Ceres 440 planter to the Potato Europe fair organisation.
Crop4Sight Releases Innovative Irrigation Scheduling Tool
mei 24, 2021

Crop4Sight adds irrigation scheduling tool to their potato crop toolkit

Crop4Sight’s online and mobile digital toolkit is designed to help growers maximise saleable potato yields and was launched as a commercial service in 2020. Crop4Sight now adds a potato irrigation scheduling tool.
Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain
mei 23, 2021

Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain

Het is nu zeker: Interpom gaat door! Van 28 tot en met 30 november 2021 blaast de internationale aardappelwereld opnieuw verzamelen in Kortrijk Xpo.
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mei 20, 2021

Aardappelteelt in de EU-04: Minder hectares en late start voor aardappeljaar 2021

Nu het poten van de oogst 2021 bijna klaar is, lijkt het heel goed mogelijk dat het totale aardappelareaal binnen de NEPG landen (EU-04) 3 tot 5 % lager zal uitvallen dan vorig jaar.
The module stand with automated watering and multichannel LED lighting systems.
mei 20, 2021

Russian research: Smart vertical farm can produce 10 times more seed potatoes a year

Less than a year after the opening of the World-class Scientific Center 'Agrotechnologies for the Future', Russian scientists had a breakthrough: the first-ever vertical farm with dynamic LED lighting.
Tecnología de última generación para el cultivo de patata en España.
mei 19, 2021

Tecnología de última generación para el cultivo de patata en España

Con la maquinaria adecuada y las nuevas aplicaciones se puede cultivar este tubérculo ahorrando simiente y fitosanitarios mientras se aumentan los rendimientos. Eso lo sabe bien Nicolás Serna. Tiene 74 años y lleva toda su vida sembrando patatas.
Farming Industry Ignoring Valuable Research As Frosts Hit
mei 19, 2021

Biostimulants: Is farming Industry missing out on an opportunity to protect plants against stress?

A Lincolnshire farmer believes many in the industry are ignoring valuable research into how best to protect crops from extreme weather conditions and are losing millions of pounds as a result.
Supply of Certificates Positive for Active Growers
mei 19, 2021

Supply of HZPC Certificates Positive for Active Potato Growers

The supply of certificates from HZPC has reduced slightly but is still significant. This was demonstrated today during the potato breeder HZPC Holding B.V.'s half-yearly trading day.
Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector
mei 18, 2021

Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector

The Romanian Farmers Club and the Romanian National Potato Federation propose to the authorities the implementation of a National Strategic Potato Plan, to save an economic sector in great difficulty and harmonize the trade balance.


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