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Reveille Russet makes a name for itself in the potato market
augustus 19, 2015

Reveille Russet makes a name for itself in the potato market

This year's major news of the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program is a new early potato variety called Reveille Russet, a russet baking potato headed to the fresh market.
Agricultores costarricenses podrán cultivar nueva variedad de papa
juli 31, 2015

Agricultores costarricenses podrán cultivar nueva variedad de papa

La variedad Elbe es producto de una investigación que realizó la Universidad de Costa Rica por una década. El nuevo tubérculo es de fácil industrialización.
NEIKER-Tecnalia, premiado en Chile por investigar la adecuación del cultivo de patata al cambio climático
juli 25, 2015

NEIKER-Tecnalia, premiado en Chile por investigar la adecuación del cultivo de patata al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia ha sido galardonado por su proyecto CLIPAPA, un estudio que persigue identificar los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan a las condiciones previstas de cambio climático.
Terrence Rattray, Yum Tasmanian
juli 22, 2015

Tasmanian specialist potato grower exports as far as Dubai

Tasmania's fresh potato growers are building mainstream markets for unusual potatoes, all the way to Dubai.
Tamas Houlihan, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association
juli 19, 2015

Wisconsin researchers reveal dozen new potato varieties

In an effort to stay a leader in potato production, researchers in Wisconsin are hard at work to develop the best potatoes for your table.
One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety
juli 16, 2015

One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety

It appears that many Australians don’t know their King Edwards from their Kennebecs, with the latest wave of the Potato Tracker consumer research project indicating that some people can’t name a single variety of potato, despite being the most commonly purchased vegetable commodity.
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Yum Tasmania Gourmet potatoes. Purple Bliss is the darkest coloured potato on the right
juli 15, 2015

Australia: Purple Bliss potato could become family favourite

The new ‘purple bliss’ potato (grown in Tasmania and bred in Idaho) could become a family favourite now that it has begun producing commercial quantities, and 20 tonnes are making their way to supermarket shelves.
Papas andinas contra la malnutrición del mundo
juli 10, 2015

Papas andinas contra la malnutrición del mundo

La papa ha salvado al mundo de hambrunas. Ahora, papas andinas poco conocidas podrían acabar con la malnutrición. El Centro Internacional de la Papa presentó en Bruselas un proyecto regional con aspiraciones globales.
Calyxt Launches Field Trials of its Cold Storable Potato
juli 09, 2015

Calyxt Launches Field Trials of its Cold Storable Potato

Calyxt, Inc., a Minnesota-based company focusing on developing healthier food products, today announced that it has started the field trials of its cold storable potato.
Bolivia: Identifican tres papas nativas con alto potencial para la industria
juni 19, 2015

Bolivia: Identifican tres papas nativas con alto potencial para la industria

La industria de las papas fritas tiene tres nuevos potenciales que abaratarán los costos de importación y producción, por sus altos rendimientos y características que superan los estándares requeridos internacionalmente.
Increasing International interest in PVMI Potato Varieties
juni 18, 2015

Increasing International interest in PVMI Potato Varieties

Foreign countries are showing increasing interest in potato varieties developed in the Pacific Northwest and managed by the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI).
Perú: Crean asociación de guardianes de papa nativa
juni 14, 2015

Perú: Crean asociación de guardianes de papa nativa

Después de tres meses de un exhaustivo proceso de preselección, el 10 de julio del 2014 se fundó la Asociación de Guardianes de Papa Nativa del Centro del Perú (AGUAPAN), conformada por 43 socios, provenientes de igual número de comunidades campesinas pertenecientes a cinco departamentos.
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Yawar, una papa encendida en sangre
juni 11, 2015

Yawar, una papa encendida en sangre

La yawar fue una de las estrellas del Festival de la papa nativa, una fiesta popular con la que Lima cerraba el mes de mayo.
Maris Piper (Courtesy: Potato Council Variety Database / SASA)
juni 10, 2015

The Quest to Engineer the Perfect Potato

Researchers in the United Kingdom aim for a new commercial potato that resists many of the worst vulnerabilities of potato crops around the world.
Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps achieve Non-GMO Project Verification
juni 08, 2015

Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps achieve Non-GMO Project Verification

Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps®, the world’s first flat-baked pretzel cracker, has announced that it has achieved Non-GMO Project Verification. Snack Factory will begin introducing Non-GMO Project Verified versions starting in Fall 2015.
A look at the Innate Potato by FrankenFoodFacts
juni 08, 2015

A look at the Innate Potato by FrankenFoodFacts

The blog FrankenFoodFacts recently published a review of the Innate potato of Simplot Plant Sciences. This blog by Layla Katiraee, who holds a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and is a senior scientist at a biotech company, offers the most insightful review of the Innate Potato PotatoPro has seen so far.
VI Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa (Ibarra, 8-11 de julio de 2015)
mei 26, 2015

VI Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa

Además del congreso habrá una feria de innovación y tecnología, una feria gastronómica y una rueda de negocios.
Purple potatoes
mei 20, 2015

Purple: Are you familiar with truffle potatoes?

Belgian Potato Supplier Pomuni offers purple potatoes for years, but they are still unfamiliar to many. Pomuni brings purple potatoes in two flavours: Bergerac and Vitelotte.


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