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EarthFresh Farms announces the acquisition of Mountain King Potatoes.
september 26, 2024

EarthFresh Farms announces the acquisition of Mountain King Potatoes

EarthFresh Farms has announced the purchase of Mountain King Potatoes, effective September 25, 2024. Established in 1963, EarthFresh is a North American produce company that specializes in potatoes, carrots and onions.
Technico Agri Sciences Limited celebrates its silver jubilee with the "Kisan Samaan Samaroh 2024," bringing together around 1,200 farmers to mark 25 years of agricultural excellence.
september 26, 2024

Technico Agri Sciences Celebrates 25 Years with 'Kisan Samaan Samaroh 2024' for Potato Farmers in Punjab

Technico Agri Sciences Limited, a leading seed potato Company, on completion of its 25 years, celebrated silver jubilee celebration by hosting 'Kisan Samaan Samaroh 2024' in Ludhiana, Punjab.
Tomasz Bieńkowski, International Advisor at World Potato Congress Inc.
september 23, 2024

World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Tomasz Bieńkowski of Poland as International Advisor.

World Potato Congress Inc. has announced Tomasz Bieńkowski in a key role as an International Advisor. 
Revolution in Making for Potato Chips Sector in India - Near to Zero TPOD in September/October
september 23, 2024

Revolution in Making for Potato Chips Sector in India - Near Zero Total Potato Defects (TPOD) in September/October

SV Agri conducted its annual variety show featuring Ganesh variety of potatoes, attracting key stakeholders from the chips processing industry. 
Alison Sklarczyk, Manager at Sklarczyk Seed Farm
september 22, 2024

Sklarczyk Seed Farm Is Sustainably Growing Clean, Affordable Mini Tubers for the Potato Industry

When Alison Sklarczyk earned her animal sciences degree from Michigan State University, she didn’t intend to go into potato farming.
México: gran momento para la producción
september 17, 2024

México: gran momento para la producción

A pesar del retraso de las lluvias, la producción del tubérculo ha alcanzado una gran calidad, y se comercializa a 12 mil pesos por tonelada, el mejor precio en tres años.
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España: Fruit Attraction llega a Madrid el 8 de Octubre
september 17, 2024

España: Fruit Attraction llega a Madrid el 8 de Octubre

La feria numero uno del mundo para el sector hortofrutícola se realizará en IFEMA, Madrid, con fuerte énfasis en la sostenibilidad, la gestión del agua, y el aumento de la producción.
Brian Mahany, Lead Farmer and Innovator at Mahany Farms
september 16, 2024

Mahany Farms Researches New Chipping Potato Varieties and Supports New Generations of Farmers

Farm life always agreed with Brian Mahany from his early days working the fields on Sundays with his family. While he may have thought about other career choices in agriculture, he said he always came back to the farm.
Emiliano Faccennini, importador en Uruguay
september 16, 2024

Argentina: primer exportación de HZPC América Latina

La empresa realizó su primer exportación de semilla a Uruguay. Potatopro tuvo la oportunidad de conversar con su director al respecto de esta primer experiencia, y también sobre el futuro del comercio de semilla en la región.
Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at Potato Europe in France is a magnet that brings potato professionals together
september 11, 2024

Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at PotatoEurope is a magnet that brings potato professionals together

Schaap Holland is a distinguished participant in the NAO pavilion at Potato Europe. The pavilion serves as the perfect platform for Schaap Holland to showcase its expertise and connect with other professionals in the potato industry.
The new and former CEO of the Royal HZPC Group: Hans Huistra and Gerard Backx
september 02, 2024

Hans Huistra takes over as new CEO of Royal HZPC Group as Gerard Backx steps back

As of today, potato breeder Royal HZPC Group welcomes Hans Huistra as its new CEO. Colleagues from all of Royal HZPC Group's global locations (HZPC, STET and ZOS) had the opportunity to gain a first impression of Hans Huistra in a broadcasted meeting.
Potato Days UK covers 20 hectares
september 02, 2024

Potato Days United Kingdom: Free field event for potato growers kicks off this week in Nocton

On Wednesday, 4 September, at Nocton, Lincolnshire, the new Potato Days UK will be kicking off, offering a full two-day programme of exhibition, trial plots, professional programme, and live machinery demonstrations. Visitors enter for free on both days, 4 and 5 September, with prior registration needed.
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september 01, 2024

Shortages in the Dutch Seed Potato Market: HZPC's Strategic Response

Gerard Backx, CEO of the Royal HZPC Group, says there is an imbalance in the Dutch seed potato market. He expects less volume of these potatoes to be available this season. Although there is a good tuber count in many areas, and the harvest should be successful, the wet summer significantly damaged some areas.
Seed Symposium Attendees Learn About the 'Promise of the United States Potato Seed Market'
augustus 31, 2024

Seed Symposium Attendees Learn About the 'Promise of the United States Potato Seed Market'

United States' seed potatoes are a unique commodity for their exceptional quality, multiple varieties and stringent certification process. That was the message participants took away from the biannual Seed Symposium, hosted at Potatoes USA’s Denver headquarters in July.
Tanya Leonard, General Manager at Branston's Lincoln site
augustus 29, 2024

UK Potato company Branston appoints Tanya Leonard as General Manager at its Lincoln site

Branston, one of the UK’s leading potato suppliers, has appointed a new general manager at its Lincoln site as part of its ambitious growth plans.
PoLoPo Adds Potato Protein (Patatin) to Product Lineup
augustus 29, 2024

Breakthrough: Functional Patatin (Potato Protein) added to Commercial Product Lineup of PoloPo

PoLoPo, a molecular farming pioneer has announced it will begin supplying patatin, the native protein in potatoes, to commercial clients following regulatory approval.
Odisha’s Potato Crisis Eases as West Bengal Lifts Supply Ban for a Week
augustus 28, 2024

Odisha’s Potato Crisis Eases as West Bengal Lifts Supply Ban for a Week

The potato shortage in Odisha (India) has eased somewhat after the West Bengal government allowed the supply of potato to other states for a week. Experts suggest increasing local production by using HTPS seeds and improving storage facilities.
AMBATO, Tungurahua. En el mercado Mayorista se evidencia la variación en los precios, por ejemplo, los de la papa y del tomate riñón se mantienen al alza, mientras que los de la mora siguen bajando.
augustus 27, 2024

Ecuador: buenos precios para el sector productivo

Baja oferta hace a los precios altos en los principales del mercado del país, así como a la felicidad del sector productivo.


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