Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Complex potato genome further unveiled
september 21, 2019

Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust
mei 24, 2019

Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust

Dutch family-run potato company Schaap Holland B.V. acquired 5% of the Brussels-based Breeders Trust shares. Breeders Trust supports its shareholders in issues relating to compliance with and enforcement of plant breeder’s rights.
Fraude met NAK-pootgoedcertificaten heeft vergaande consequenties
mei 06, 2019

Fraude met NAK-pootgoedcertificaten heeft vergaande consequenties

Nadat de eerste signalen binnenkwamen dat er vervalste NAK-pootgoedcertificaten in omloop waren in Nederland en België, is het Breeders Trust in samenwerking met de NAK in korte tijd gelukt om de daders op te sporen en bij hen een bekentenis af te dwingen
Lage opbrengst leidt tot een goed financieel jaar voor pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland
maart 10, 2019

Lage opbrengst resulteert in een prima financieel resultaat voor pootgoedleverancier HZPC

Pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland B.V. heeft de prognoseprijs voor oogst 2018 vastgesteld en verwacht haar Nederlandse pootgoedtelers de recordprijs van € 41,- per 100 kilo te betalen.
Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center
februari 18, 2019

Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center

Last Friday, potato cooperative Agrico celebrated the official opening of its new quality centre. The centre was built last year behind the company's head office in Emmeloord.
februari 07, 2019

Aardappelbedrijf HZPC lanceert merk update

HZPC blijft groeien. De internationale marktleider op het gebied van aardappelveredeling, pootgoedhandel en productconceptontwikkeling lanceert vandaag een update van haar merk- en communicatiestrategie.
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Hybrid Potato Breeding company Solynta appoints Charles Miller as Commercial Director
februari 04, 2019

Hybrid Potato Breeding Company Solynta appoints Charles Miller as Commercial Director

Hybrid Potato Breeding company Solynta announced today that it has appointed Charles Miller as its Commercial Director.
Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its memebers
december 23, 2018

Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its members

Last week, potato collective Agrico held its central general members’ meeting. At this well attended meeting, the annual report 2017/2018 was presented and new board members were appointed.
Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding
december 18, 2018

Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding

The potato breeding company Solynta in The Netherlands has successfully produced a hybrid breeding program for potatoes which will allow the rapid selection and turnover of favourable traits, traits which could help feed millions of people worldwide.
Breeders Trust 'detective work' catches seed potato company mixing in table potatoes
november 22, 2018

Breeders Trust detective work catches seed potato company mixing in table potatoes

Earlier this month, Breeders Trust - an organisation looking after the interest of a.o. potato breeders - revealed a major fraud, concerning the switching of at least 200 tons of potatoes meant for consumption, to seed potatoes
Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'
november 13, 2018

Agrico warns: 'Considerably less seed potatoes available for export'

During the annual potato variety show at Agrico the topic of discussion was not limited to unique varieties on display. The impact of the excessive heat and drought this season on the seed potato market was also a hot topic.
Potato variety presentations in the Netherlands: Agrico highlights natural resistance to Phytophthora.
november 06, 2018

Potato variety presentations in the Netherlands: Agrico highlights natural resistance to Phytophthora

As part of the potato variety presentations in the Netherlands later this week, Agrico highlights its late blight resistant varieties in a Ukraine themed show.
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Potato Packing business Leo de Kock appoints Jan Bijleveld as Managing Director
juni 21, 2018

Potato Packing business Leo de Kock appoints Jan Bijleveld as Managing Director

Jan Bijleveld has been appointed as the new Managing Director at Dutch potato packing business Leo de Kock, a subsidiary of Agrico BV.
Hybrid potatoes from botanical seeds: an opportunity or a threat?
juni 19, 2018

Hybrid potatoes from botanical seeds: an opportunity or a threat?

Typically, potatoes are multiplied by replanting a small potato tuber from last season, causing it to grow a new potato plant. Recently a new method of multiplication is making headlines: true potato seed (TPS) from hybrid potatoes.
Value of certificate for potato breeder HZPC rises to € 200.00
mei 16, 2018

Value of certificate for potato breeder HZPC rises to € 200.00

The value of the depository receipt for shares in HZPC Holding B.V., the world market leader in potato breeding, has increased to € 200.00
Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities
april 11, 2018

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurated its new greenhouse complex at the Agrico Research breeding station last Friday. This was followed by an Open Day on Saturday April 7 at the research station.
Seed Potato Company HZPC publishes its latest CSR Report
april 09, 2018

Seed Potato Company HZPC publishes its latest CSR Report

How can we feed 9.8 billion world citizens in 2050? And provide them with nutrient-rich food that is produced with minimal environmental impact? That's a daily question for seed potato company HZPC. The progress made can be found in its latest CSR Report
Potato Cooperative Agrico celebrates the start of the construction of its 'Quality Centre'
februari 17, 2018

Potato Cooperative Agrico celebrates the start of the construction of its 'Quality Centre'

Potato cooperative Agrico has celebrated the start of the construction work of its 'Quality Centre' to monitor the quality and vitality of its potato varieties.


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