
 EXZACT Precision Technology of DOW Agrosciences
september 20, 2010

WUR to improve the quality of potato starch with DOW's EXZACT™ Precision Technology

Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW), and the Plant Sciences Group of Wageningen UR (University and Research center) have entered into a research agreement to improve the starch quality of potato
 LTO Nederland
september 19, 2010

Nederlandse boeren en tuinders hebben vertrouwen in de toekomst

Ondernemerschap, kennis en voortdurende investeringen zijn volgens leden van LTO Noord, ZLTO en LLTB belangrijk voor de toekomst van hun land- en tuinbouwbedrijven.
Aardappelzetmeelconcern Emsland group betaalt bonus voor teler die quotum levert
september 19, 2010

Aardappelzetmeelconcern Emsland group betaalt bonus voor teler die quotum levert

Het Duitse Emsland Group heeft in haar laatste nieuwsbrief laten weten dat telers verplicht zijn hun contracten aan de fabriek na te komen.
september 19, 2010

Potato growers in Bangladesh face uncertainty despite bumper crop

Hundreds of thousands of potato growers in Bangladesh face uncertainty despite bumper production of this major cash crop in the current year
september 19, 2010

One million tonnes potato in storage in Bangladesh may remain unsold

Potato growers and traders in Bangladesh are apprehending that about one million (ten lakh) tonnes of stored potatoes may remain unsold this year in the country due to over production and less consumption ratio, reports BSS.
september 19, 2010

Un millón de toneladas de papa almacenadas podrían permanecer sin vender en Bangladesh

Productores y comerciantes de papa en Bangladesh temen que cerca de un millón de toneladas de tubérculos (10 lacs) puedan permanecer sin vender este año debido a la sobre producción y a una menor tasa de consumo, según la agencia de noticias BSS. La p...
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 NPD Group
september 18, 2010

NPD: Visits to US Restaurants Decline in Spring for Eighth Consecutive Quarter, But Rate of Decline Slows

The effects of a lingering recession continued to keep visits to U.S. restaurants down for the eighth consecutive quarter this past spring, but the rate of decline eased over the same quarter a year ago, according to The NPD Group, a leading market re...
Fiji Potato production to move to the next phase
september 18, 2010

Fiji Potato production to move to the next phase

Full scale local potato production in Fiji will become a reality in three years' time, according to permanent secretary for Agriculture Colonel Mason Smith.
september 18, 2010

Participantes de 13 países compartirán tecnologías de producción de minitubérculos y tubérculos semilla en el CIP

Actualizar e intercambiar experiencias sobre el mejoramiento de los sistemas de producción de semilla de papa en América Latina es uno de los principales objetivos del Curso Internacional sobre este tema que comenzará el lunes 20 de setiembre. De esta...
Bloomberg: P&G said to have rejected Pringles, Diamond merger
september 17, 2010

Bloomberg: P&G said to have rejected Pringles, Diamond merger

Bloomberg: Procter &Gamble Co. was in talks to merge its Pringles unit with Diamond Foods Inc. before halting negotiations last month on concern about the deal’s structure, according to people with direct knowledge of the discussions.
 McCain Foods
september 17, 2010

South Australian potato growers close to a deal with McCain Foods

Potato growers in the Ballarat region (South Australia) are continuing negotiations over pricing for the next harvest with the food processor McCain.
 Fruit Logistica
september 16, 2010

Fruit Logistica 2011 almost fully booked

Six months before the start of FRUIT LOGISTICA 2011, the leading international trade fair for the fresh produce trade is almost fully booked.
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 Universiteit Gent
september 16, 2010

Vlaamse instellingen starten onderzoeksproject naar Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen

De UGent, ILVO, VIB en HoGent kondigen een samenwerking aan rond een onderzoeksproject naar duurzame, genetisch gewijzigde Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen.
september 16, 2010

"Unica", variedad colombiana especial para papa frita, gana terreno en Ecuador a la ‘chola’, la ‘capiro’ y la ‘betina’

Las papas fritas son un elemento indispensable en la cultura gastronómica del Ecuador y la base de un negocio que se ve en cualquier parte: la venta de las conocidas ‘salchipapas’. Basta con recorrer establecimientos educativos, centros comerciales o ...
september 16, 2010

Pressure on Canadian government for limits on salt in food

Canada's provincial health ministers are ordering up mandatory sodium limits for packaged and prepared foods if voluntary measures don't shake out as hoped -- and are urging Ottawa to adopt the new targets.
Russia considers zero rate potato imports to deal with shortage
september 15, 2010

Russia considers zero rate potato imports to deal with shortage

Russia will have to import over 4 million tonnes of potato according to Agriculture Minister, Elena Skrynnik, following a pessimistic forecast of the drought impact on potato crops. Skrynnik said the drought would cause major potato losses.
september 15, 2010

The Netherlands: 'Potato market dominated by insecurity'

september 14, 2010

HZPC neemt nieuw energiezuinig kassencomplex in gebruik

De burgemeester van Dongeradeel, mevrouw M. Waanders, heeft onder belangstelling van alle HZPC-medewerkers het nieuwe kassencomplex van HZPC in Metslawier formeel in gebruik gesteld.


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