
augustus 25, 2011

Idaho Potato shortage forces early harvests

This season’s harvest is shaping to be a bit backwards for Aberdeen, Idaho, grower Ritchey Toevs. Normally by Aug. 23, Toevs would be winding up his grain harvest, leaving his potatoes in the ground for another month. Due to cool, damp weather this su...
 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
augustus 25, 2011

Omzet Cafetaria's groeit flink in 2011

Cafetaria’s hebben in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar gemiddeld 9,4 procent meer omzet behaald dan in dezelfde periode een jaar geleden. De cafetariasector is daarmee de best draaiende sector in de horeca. De omzetsprong volgt op een goed eerste kwart...
augustus 25, 2011

Opportunities for British Seed potatoes in China

After centuries of relying on rice and noodles to feed its hungry masses, China is now turning to a familiar British staple to meet the needs of its 1.3bn-strong population – the humble potato. Facing more frequent droughts, falling water tables and w...
augustus 25, 2011

Large potato crop canopies posing desiccation challenges

Desicant application trials to monitor spray deposition in different parts of the potato crop canopy have demonstrated that the angled Syngenta Potato Nozzle gives better all-round coverage of leaves and stems at all heights of the leaf canopy, compare...
Potatoes: goodness unearthed
augustus 25, 2011

Potatoes: Goodness Unearthed issue continues

In response to criticism from the Idaho Potato Commission, the U.S. Potato Board has created a new set of rules for the use of its Potatoes: Goodness Unearthed logo. The biggest change governs the accepted size of the logo on retail bags, according t...
augustus 25, 2011

Potato rot nematode investigation to include Prince Edward Island

An investigation into how a small Ottawa garlic farm became infested with a pest called potato rot nematode will include Prince Edward Island even though it's highly unlikely it came from there. P.E.I. is the only province in Canada where the pest has...
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augustus 25, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission to pay 2.49 million for bowl game naming rights

Idaho potato producers will spend $2.49 million over six years for the naming rights of a college post-season football bowl game, according to a contract between the Idaho Potato Commission and Humanitarian Bowl Inc. The contract was released to the C...
augustus 24, 2011

ANWB-directeur Guido van Woerkom benoemd tot ambassadeur Pieperpad

Op maandag 22 augustus werd bij biologische aardappelboerderij Hoeve Doelwyck het tweejarig bestaan van het Pieperpad gevierd. Guido van Woerkom, hoofddirecteur van de ANWB, fietste een stukje van de route en werd benoemd tot eerste officiële ambassade...
augustus 24, 2011

Improved diagnostic test for Potato Cyst Nematodes developed by ARS

A US Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist, Xiaohong Wang - a molecular biologist - has created a new weapon in the war being waged against the potato cyst nematode-a diagnostic test that identifies the type of nematode infesting a grower's field.
 NPD Group
augustus 24, 2011

Portion Control of Growing Interest to U.S. Consumers, Reports NPD

Portion control is a tenet of healthy eating, and it appears that consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of managing the portion size of the foods they eat, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. For a recent report...
augustus 23, 2011

Científica del ARS creó una prueba para diferenciar los nematodos de la papa

Una científica del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) ha creado una nueva arma contra el nematodo quiste de la papa–una nueva prueba diagnóstica que identifica el tipo de nematodo infestando el campo agrícola. Xiaohong Wang, quien es una bióloga...
Gregg Halverson
augustus 23, 2011

Gregg Halverson Receives PAA Honorary Life Membership Award

The Potato Association of America held its annual meeting last week in Wilmington, North Carolina. Each year they recognize leaders in their industry with Honorary Life Membership Awards for both technical and non-technical achievement in their careers...
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 focus on potato
augustus 23, 2011

Focus on Potato launches two new webcasts

Focus on Potato announces the launch of two new webcasts for practitioners in the potato industry, titled “Mid to Late Season Irrigation Management” and “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases.” View “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases” “I...
Potatoes... Goodness Unearthed
augustus 23, 2011

USPB implements stricter use of 'Potatoes...Goodness Unearthed®' nutritional signature

The United States Potato Board (USPB) Executive Committee has issued the steps they are taking to implement new procedures that have been approved by the USPB Administrative Committee and Domestic Marketing Committee to set a new direction for our nutr...
The Scottish Agricultural Colege
augustus 22, 2011

Matthew Smallwood New Head of the potato team at SAC

Matthew Smallwood has been appointed as SAC’s Senior Potato Consultant and will be based at SAC’s Perth Office. Matt will work closely with Dr Stuart Wale, who continues to work for SAC on a reduced-days basis. He will co-ordinate activity with the oth...
augustus 22, 2011

Can Dutch salt-tolerant potatoes solve the global food crisis?

This month it became known that at least two Dutch potato varieties can thrive in salty soil. Several Dutch scientists and farmers think this discovery could have tremendous consequences for the potato industry worldwide. However, can these special po...
 Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de aardappelteelt (PCA)
augustus 21, 2011

PCA ziet geen problemen met holle aardappelen voor Fontane

Een lage knolzetting en een alsnog snel groeiende aardappel zette het Belgische PCA aan tot het doen van een steekproef bij het ras Fontane. Hieruit blijkt dat tot nog toe de angst voor holle aardappelen ongegrond is. Dat meldt Kürt Demeulemeester va...
augustus 21, 2011

Frankrijk stevent af op record aardappeloogst

Vorige week publiceerde Aardappelinfo de volgende grafiek van de verwachte aardappelopbrengst in Frankrijk, gebaseerd op cijfers van Agreste. Frankrijk stevent af op een record aardappeloogst: Agreste verwacht dat de uiteindelijke aardappeloogst uit...


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