
Zimbabwe: farmers shun potato growing
september 02, 2011

Zimbabwe: farmers shun potato growing

Most farmers in Zimbabwe are shunning potato farming owing to lack of knowledge on the crop. Potato production has been a preserve of former commercial farmers. Seed Potato Co-operation general manager Mr Cain Manzira said his organisation had realise...
september 02, 2011

Aardappeltermijnmarkt ziet vast slot aan het einde van de week

De termijnprijs bleef de hele week goed prijshoudend en sloot op het hoogste niveau, 8,80 euro. De termijnmarkt testte deze week verschillende keren de bovenkant van de handelsrange. De vriendelijke stemming wordt gestimuleerd door het relatief lage ...
University of Alaska Fairbanks
september 01, 2011

Late blight hits potatoes in Alaska

Late blight has shown up in the fields of two potato producers, in Palmer and Delta Junction. Alaska. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service is working with major potato producers to help prevent the spread.
september 01, 2011

Aardappeloogst Duitsland

De Duitse aardappeloogst 2011 komt naar schatting uit op 11 tot 11,5 miljoen ton, mits alle arealen normaal gerooid kunnen worden. Dat meldt de toonaangevende Duitse aardappelgroothandel Weuthen in een vooruitblik op het verdere verloop van het seizoe...
september 01, 2011

Avebe blijft ondanks wegvallen subsidies positief

Ook in de toekomst is het mogelijk telers een goede prijs te betalen voor zetmeelaardappelen. Dat zegt aardappelzetmeelconcern Avebe. Zelfs nu de Europese subsidies worden afgeschaft ziet Avebe de toekomst vol vertrouwen tegemoet. Dit maakte het bedri...
 75th anniversary of the Idaho Potato Commission
september 01, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission kicks off 75th anniversary celebration

The overall theme of the Idaho Potato Commission’s promotional programs for the 2011 crop and the 2011-12 marketing season is the organization’s Diamond Jubilee. The year 2012 is “the 75th anniversary of the Idaho Potato Commission, and everything we ...
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How to use less water and grow more potatoes
september 01, 2011

How to use less water and grow more potatoes

Research conducted in part at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has confirmed that in some production systems, planting potatoes in flat beds can increase irrigation water use efficiency. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) agricultural engine...
 American Chemical Society (ACS)
september 01, 2011

Potatoes can reduce blood pressure without weight gain

The potato’s stereotype as a fattening food for health-conscious folks to avoid is getting another revision today as scientists report that just a couple servings of spuds a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without causing weight ga...
Comer papas rebaja la presión arterial, según estudio
september 01, 2011

Comer papas rebaja la presión arterial, según estudio

La mala fama de las patatas como alimentos que engordan debería ser revisada, así lo demuestra un estudio científico que revela que el consumo moderado del tubérculo reduce la presión arterial y no produce aumento de peso. El trabajo, dirigido por el ...
september 01, 2011

Uso del sistema de camas planas aumenta rendimientos de papa en un 6% y reduce el riego en un 5%, según estudio del ARS

Cuando los agricultores en Idaho comenzaban a aumentar la fama de su estado debido a la producción de papas, ellos sembraron sus cultivos en hileras de caballones y las regaron con un flujo de agua en los canales entre las hileras. Pero aunque la mayor...
augustus 31, 2011

Fall potato harvest begins in Southern Idaho

Some potato growers in Idaho are already into the fall harvest, despite a slow start to the growing season due to an extended, wet spring. Packing and shipping was just beginning Aug. 29 at Rigby Produce and Potandon Produce in southeast Idaho. Jamey ...
augustus 31, 2011

Idaho Potato Research focuses on resistant starch

A University of Idaho researcher is teaming up with J.R. Simplot Co.'s food group to develop new potato products with resistant starch, which can improve digestive health and benefit people with diabetes. Resistant starch is modified starch that bypas...
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augustus 31, 2011

Pest Pros to test STORECAST potato storage disease prediction system in Canada

A recent agreement between Pest Pros Inc and Soil Food Web Atlantic Canada will test the use of  STORECAST, “Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing” in Prince Edward Island (PEI) Canada this storage season. Mr. Daryl Lingley of Soil Food Web Atlantic C...
augustus 30, 2011

Utilizan nanotecnología para erradicar polilla guatemalteca

Con esta aplicación tecnológica para hacer seguimiento eléctrico a la polilla guatemalteca, se piensa erradicar el efecto letal de esta larva en el cultivo de papa. Esta larva puede afectar cultivos cercanos a un 30% en el país en un solo año, dejando...
augustus 30, 2011

Friesland: aardappeloogst ligt stil door vele regenbuien

De oogst van aardappelen in Friesland heeft een forse achterstand opgelopen. Normaliter zijn de akkerbouwers in augustus druk bezig met het binnenhalen van het gewas. ,,Nu is nog maar 20 procent uit de grond”, zegt de Holwerder akkerbouwer en woordvo...
Belgium: 'Potato market still gloomy'
augustus 30, 2011

Belgium: 'Potato market still gloomy'

"On the potato market the mood is still depressed and also the expectations for the coming months are gloomy"Joost Blanckaert Jr. of Potato Masters tells Freshplaza. "The latest prices for Belgian growers are about 0.025 euro/kg. Last  ...
augustus 30, 2011

New potato developed for the Alaska market

A new line of potato developed at the University of Alaska (at the Matanuska Experiment Farm in Palmer) stands to boost Alaska's agriculture industry with its consumer plate appeal. “It has high potential,” said Carol Lewis, dean of the University of ...
augustus 30, 2011

J.R. Simplot Announces Staffing Changes at Grand Forks and Portage la Prairie Facilities

There has been some restructuring at the J.R. Simplot Midwest Raw Department. James Kim has accepted the position of Regional Raw Procurement Manager for the Midwest and will be based in Grand Forks. Kim will be responsible for North Dakota and Manito...


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