Potato Production in Costa Rica
januari 22, 2015

Costa Rica explores the local production of french fries

In Costa Rica, potato growers, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the University of Costa Rica (UCR) are exploring the possibilities for the local production of french fries.
National Farmers Union (NFU) of Scotland
januari 20, 2015

NFU Scotland urges shift from Potato R&D to Potato Promotion

To combat tumbling potato consumption, NFU Scotland has urged the industry’s statutory levy body to consider shifting its funding emphasis from research and development to more promotion.
Impression of one of the many POTATO EXPO 2015 receptions
januari 20, 2015

Potato Expo 2015 over... time to start planning for Potato Expo 2016

POTATO EXPO 2015, held January 7-9, in Orlando, Florida, turned out to be the greatest event
yet for exhibitors and attendees.
NPC 2014 President Randy Hardy hands the award to Brendon Rockey and Sheldon Rockey with wife Nicole.
januari 20, 2015

Rockey Farm (Colorado) receives the NPC 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award

Brendon and Sheldon Rockey of Rockey Farms in Center, Colorado, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award presented at the National Potato Council’s 2015 Annual Meeting.
Christine Nashuru, a successful grower of clean seed potatoes in Kenya in her field
januari 20, 2015

Kenya: Losses due to poor potato farming methods

Kenya loses Sh19 billion annually due to poor production and processing of potatoes, a 2014 study has revealed.
Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments
januari 20, 2015

Irish Organic Farmers protest over delayed payments

Several dozen organic farmers have been protesting outside Department of Agriculture offices in Athenry, Co Galway (Ireland) over delayed farm payments
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Desarrollo de un sistema de alerta temprana para el tizón temprano de la papa en Chile
januari 20, 2015

Desarrollo de un sistema de alerta temprana para el tizón temprano de la papa en Chile

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado en septiembre del 2014 en Bogotá.
La variabilidad genotípica influye en la eficiencia de uso de fósforo como fertilizante en condiciones de campo
januari 20, 2015

La variabilidad genotípica influye en la eficiencia de uso de fósforo como fertilizante en condiciones de campo

A esa conclusión llegan los autores de este estudio realizado en Chile, cuyos resultados fueron presentados en el último congreso de la ALAP.
Costa Rica: Productores exploran negocio de papa frita
januari 19, 2015

Costa Rica: Productores exploran negocio de papa frita

Plan apoyado por el Gobierno cambia variedades y busca instalar una industria.
Dr BP Singh, CPRI: Potato important for Nutritional Security of India.
januari 19, 2015

Dr BP Singh, CPRI: Potato important for Nutritional Security of India.

On the opening day of the India International Potato Expo on Thursday, Dr BP Singh, director, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, said potato played an important role in the nutritional security of the country.
AHDB Chairman Peter Kendall with Food and Farming Minister George Eustice in 2014
januari 17, 2015

'Potato Council' to become 'AHDB Potatoes'

'Potato Council' will become 'AHDB Potatoes' later this year as the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) operating divisions will be rebranded to create a simplified family of levy-payer facing brands under the AHDB name.
Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester
januari 16, 2015

Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester

Belgian contract farmer Heyvaert reflects on the investment in a Dewulf Kwatro self-propelled harvester for their 200 ha chicory and 200 ha potatoes operation.
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Dan Lake
januari 15, 2015

US Potato Growers select 2015 National Potato Council leadership

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2015 Annual Meeting, held January 9-10, 2015, in Orlando, Florida, Dan Lake from Lake Seed, Inc. of Ronan, Montana, was elected to serve as NPC’s president for 2015 and to lead the council’s Executive Committee.
La resistencia al Tizón Tardío como herramienta de control en los países en desarrollo
januari 14, 2015

La resistencia al Tizón Tardío como herramienta de control en los países en desarrollo

El tizón tardío de la papa puede ser controlado con varias estrategias, incluyendo la resistencia del huesped. Desafortunadamente, los esfuerzos hasta la fecha para utilizarla han llevado a un éxito limitado. Este es el tema principal del artículo escrito por G. A. Forbes; M. Huarte para la Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa, Volumen 18 (2), 2014.
potatoes damaged by the Guatemalan potato moth
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Cómo eliminar la polilla gutemalteca de la papa durante la poscosecha

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá.
Comunidades andinas del Perú usan sus conocimientos para proteger variedades de papa
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Comunidades andinas del Perú usan sus conocimientos para proteger variedades de papa

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La guerra en Venezuela por las papas fritas y las yucas de McDonald's
januari 08, 2015

La guerra en Venezuela por las papas fritas y las yucas de McDonald's

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