
PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops
juni 09, 2016

PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops

PJ Lee and Sons please with potato store built by Thurlow Nunn Standen LTD and the fitted Omnivent suction and blowing ventilation system and OmniCuro automated control systems.
Irish Meade Potato Company damaged by fire
juni 06, 2016

Meade Potato Company (Ireland) damaged by fire

A fire has caused significant damage at the Meade Potato Company in Lobinstown, Navan, Co. Meath in Ireland
[Video] Argentina: La papa en el Bicentenario
juni 05, 2016

[Video] Argentina: La papa en el Bicentenario

Alimentos y Regiones, un programa de televisión muy popular en el país, acaba de producir un video con estadísticas muy interesantes del cultivo.

juni 04, 2016

[Video] Provincia china alivia la pobreza gracias a la papa

Reportaje de la agencia china de noticias CCTV que muestra cómo el gobierno de la provincia de Xiji estimula el cultivo de la papa como una estrategia para aliviar la pobreza de sus habitantes.
Chile: INIA y SAG formarán líderes en producción de semilla de papa
juni 04, 2016

Chile: INIA y SAG formarán líderes en producción de semilla de papa

Históricamente Cañete ha estado vinculada a la producción de papas de gran calidad, logrando ejemplares de características organolépticas incomparables y reconocidas a nivel nacional por los propios consumidores. Conservar estas propiedades de origen, es el objetivo de un convenio firmado entre el INIA y el SAG, a través del cual se dará vida al “Taller de formación de líderes en producción de semillas de papas”, actividad de ochos sesiones y una gira técnica que se desarrollarán hasta diciembre del presente año.
University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes
juni 03, 2016

University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes

The University of Idaho is leading a $3.2 million project to combat microscopic worms (nematodes) that threaten potato production.
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Freshfel Europe and Europatat's First Common Event: "Not business as usual"
juni 03, 2016

Freshfel Europe and Europatat's First Common Event: 'Not business as usual'

The first common event of Freshfel Europe & Europatat took place this week: “Doing something good to yourself and to others will be the driver for the purchasing decision of fresh-produce customers”, concluded the associations.
Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market
juni 02, 2016

Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market

For Belgian potato traders, Sweden is a small, but admittedly growing market. In late April, the potential for Belgian fresh and processed potato exports was further explored.
Australian Potato Growers at risk from Oakville Produce financial troubles
juni 01, 2016

Australian Potato Growers at risk from Oakville Produce financial troubles

National vegetable industry body AUSVEG is concerned that Australian potato growers will be left out of pocket following Australia’s largest potato supplier entering receivership in early May.
Good Progress Potato Planting Prince Edward Island
juni 01, 2016

Good Progress Potato Planting Prince Edward Island

Greg Donald, manager of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board, estimated Wednesday that between 65 and 75 per cent of the Island’s 2016 potato crop would be in the ground
Europatat elects a new board ahead of its 2016 Congress in Brussels
juni 01, 2016

Europatat elects a new board ahead of its 2016 Congress in Brussels

Europatat appoints a new board, including Jos Muyshondt as President, Domenico Citterio as vice-president and Gilles Fontaine as treasurer.
Un muerto y 19 intoxicados por fumigación de cultivo de papa en Colombia
mei 30, 2016

Un muerto y 19 intoxicados por fumigación de cultivo de papa en Colombia

Un trágico saldo de una persona fallecida y 19 más intoxicadas, dejó el uso irresponsable de un fungicida sobre un cultivo de papa, en la vereda San Rafael, del municipio de La Calera, cerca de Bogotá, durante la noche de este miércoles, informaron miembros del cuerpo de bomberos de Cundinamarca.
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It is Potato Planting Season on Fiji
mei 30, 2016

It is Potato Planting Season on Fiji

On Fiji, planting season for potatoes has begun in the Western division.
Irresponsible pesticide use in Colombia results in one dead, nineteen poisoned
mei 30, 2016

Irresponsible pesticide use in Colombia leaves one dead, nineteen poisoned

Irresponsible use of fungicide on a potato crop in Colombia left one person dead and 19 intoxicated
Purple Magic potato reaches finals of Northern Ireland Innovation competition INVENT 2016
mei 30, 2016

Purple Magic potato reaches finals of Northern Ireland Innovation competition INVENT 2016

Purple Magic, a Northern Ireland potato with high anthocyanin content, was bred by Paul Watts at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and just reached the finals of INVENT 2016, a Northern Ireland innovation competition.
El parque de la papa en Perú
mei 29, 2016

El parque de la papa en Perú (Fotografías)

El Parque de la Papa es una iniciativa de conservación y manejo de la biodiversidad a cargo de cinco comunidades quechua-hablantes de Pisac, a más de tres mil metros de altura. EL diario peruano La Prensa ha querido conmemorar el Dia Nacional de la Papa (30 de mayo) con una selección de fotografias del parque.
New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Helps Potato Grower Minimize Spread of Blackleg
mei 26, 2016

New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Helps Potato Growers Minimize the Spread of Blackleg

Blackleg, caused by strains of soft rot bacteria known as Dickyea, has traditionally had little impact on North American potato production, but it now appears to be on the move throughout Europe and could increasingly threaten growers in the Eastern United States.
España: Tratamiento para la pulguilla de la papa y la polilla guatemalteca
mei 25, 2016

España: Tratamiento para la pulguilla de la papa y la polilla guatemalteca

Artículo sobre los “Principales organismos nocivos de cuarentena en Galicia”, de Antón Vázquez Caamaño. Servicio de Explotaciones Agrarias de la Consellería do Medio Rural, delegación de Pontevedra.


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