De cómo la papa 'apaciguó' a Europa y la salvó del hambre
augustus 04, 2018

De cómo la papa 'apaciguó' a Europa y la salvó del hambre

La creían venenosa, desconfiaban de su aspecto y de algunos incómodos efectos digestivos. Pero un hombre, Antoine Parmentier, se consagró a propagandizar sus virtudes. Finalmente popular, este producto americano, exótico, se convirtió en la base de la dieta.
Potato company RD Offutt halts agricultural expansion in Minnesota
augustus 04, 2018

Potato company RD Offutt halts controversial agricultural expansion in Minnesota

RD Offutt, the largest potato producer in Minnesota, is backing away from a controversial expansion in the State just south of the Mississippi River headwaters after state regulators insisted on an environmental study of the potential contamination of groundwater.
Argentina: Normativa complica el transporte de papa andina
augustus 03, 2018

Argentina: Normativa complica el transporte de papa andina

El uso obligatorio del Documento de Tránsito Vegetal (DTV) para trasladar raíces, bulbos y tubérculos entre provincias, supone una complicación importante para este sector del norte del país, que posee lógicas de producción diferentes.
UK potato processing companies say serious issues with potato supply 'extremely likely'
augustus 03, 2018

UK potato processing companies say serious issues with potato supply 'extremely likely'

The Potato Processing companies in the United Kingdom have released a statement through the Potato Processors’ Association Ltd (PPA), expressing their concern for the impact of current weather conditions on UK potato processing sector.
UK Potato plantings down three per cent amid extreme weather conditions
augustus 02, 2018

UK Potato plantings down three per cent amid extreme weather conditions

The total area in Great Britain planted with potatoes is estimated at 119,000 hectares(ha), a fall of three per cent on the previous year. This would represent the third-lowest planted area on record, with an agricultural drought likely to affect yields.
Cavendish Farms closes Fresh Pack Facility on PEI - not enough potatoes on the island
juli 30, 2018

Cavendish Farms closes Fresh Pack Facility on PEI: not enough potatoes on the island

Cavendish Farms announced today that they will close their fresh pack facility in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island due to the limited availability of potatoes on Prince Edward Island
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Potatoes stop growing in parched earth
juli 29, 2018

Ireland: Potatoes stop growing in parched earth

David Rodgers, growing potatoes in normally lush and fertile North Co Dublin says the unprecedented conditions over recent weeks – from an exceptionally cold spring to a record-breaking hot summer – have forced his potato plants into “shutting down”.
Potato farmers Prince Edward Island are planting more mustard than ever
juli 29, 2018

Potato Farmers Prince Edward Island are planting more mustard than ever

Potato Growers on Prince Edward Island report they are planting more mustard than ever this year.
Texas A&M potato breeding trials offer Reds, Russets, Babies and Bakers
juli 29, 2018

Texas A&M potato breeding trials offer Reds, Russets, Babies and Bakers

Earlier this month Texas A&M held its annual Potato Field Day where it presented a range of new potato varieties.
Sembrar papa en el trópico, un desafío para los productores
juli 28, 2018

Sembrar papa en el trópico, un desafío para los productores

Los pequeños productores de la región tropical de Bolivia han asumido el reto de sembrar papa, un cultivo propio de la región altiplánica del país, en lo que supone un desafío a la naturaleza y una lucha constante con el clima adverso.
German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought
juli 27, 2018

German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought

The German Association of Fruit, Vegetables and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) expects that the potato harvest in Germany and Europe will be significantly reduced in quantity, as well as quality compared to the previous year due to the long ongoing drought and heat wave.
Potato Industry Event Interpom Primeurs 2018 already fully booked
juli 26, 2018

Potato Industry Event Interpom Primeurs 2018 already fully booked

The INTERPOM PRIMEURS, a trade show entirely focused on the potato industry held November 25 - 27 2018 in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium), has already sold out all stand space.
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OIEA apoyará proyecto de papa criolla en Colombia
juli 25, 2018

OIEA apoyará proyecto de papa criolla en Colombia

El Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) financiará con US$500.000 un estudio de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas sobre mejoramiento. La ayuda estaría representada en becas, visitas científicas, visitas de expertos internacionales y equipos.
Publican en Perú un catálogo de variedades de papa nativa
juli 17, 2018

Publican en Perú un catálogo de variedades de papa nativa

Elaborado por el CIP, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego, el Grupo Yanapai y el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), el documento ofrece información sobre 147 variedades que se cultivan en el departamento de Junin.
Maine potatoes healthy, despite heat and lack of rain, but the amount of precipitation remains a concern
juli 12, 2018

Maine potatoes healthy, despite heat and lack of rain, but the amount of precipitation remains a concern

Despite widely fluctuating temperatures and a lack of rain, the executive director of the Maine Potato Board said Monday that the state’s potato crop remains healthy.
El 80% de los paperos colombianos son pequeños agricultores
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El 80% de los paperos colombianos son pequeños agricultores

Entrevista a Germán Palacio, presidente de la Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa (Fedepapa).
Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silicsa
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Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silica

Chinese scientists have developed a new method to prevents the sprouting of potatoes: Hydrophobic nano silica
Extreme drought might impact European Potato crop growing on a slightly increased acreage
juli 11, 2018

Drought might impact European potato production more than slightly increased acreage

Total potato production in North-western Europe will be mostly determined by yield, as extreme drought plagues the crop, growing on a one percent larger acreage


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