Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono
februari 24, 2020

Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono

5 hectáreas de campo de Sa Pobla sirven para que Esplet experimente por primera vez en España un innovador método para tratar el suelo aplicando ozono en los cultivos de patata, regenerándolos posteriormente para mejorar sus cualidades.
Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal
februari 24, 2020

Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal

El fabricante español JJ Broch, con presencia en 50 países, especializado en cultivos de bulbo, principalmente ajo, patata y cebolla, ha cerrado un acuerdo con el fabricante alemán ROPA Fahrzeug und Maschinenbau.
World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Leah Tsror on Powdery Scab - Integrated Disease Management for Reducing the Risk
februari 24, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: Dr. Leah Tsror on Powdery Scab - Integrated Disease Management for Reducing the Risk

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to be offering its third webinar in 2020 featuring Dr. Leah Tsror.
februari 19, 2020

Bewaring landbouwproducten topprioriteit in Marokko

Vermindering van de verliezen in de voedselketen staat bij de Marokkaanse overheid hoog op de agenda. Op de komende landbouwbeurs SIAM is voedselverspilling een belangrijk thema.
'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'
februari 14, 2020

'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'

Agricultores del delta del Llobregat reivindican más infraestructuras para combatir las inundaciones.
PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants
februari 14, 2020

PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants

A growing number of Prince Edward Island potato farms are taking advantage of new technology to improve their use of crop protectants, including fungicides used to prevent late blight.
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Potato Retail Sales Steady for Q2
februari 14, 2020

US Potato Retail Sales Steady for Q2

IRI data for the second quarter of the marketing year (October through December 2019) showed success with dollars and a decline in volume for total potato sales at retail in the United States.
Wada Farms sees some of the best quality Colorado potatoes ever
februari 13, 2020

Wada Farms sees some of the best quality Colorado potatoes ever

Five months into the shipping season, Michele Peterson, who heads the Colorado sales office of Idaho Falls-based Wada Farms Marketing Group, was seeing the quality of the 2019 potato harvest in Colorado’s San Luis Valley measure up to her expectations.
Potato Expo 2020 Breaks Attendee and Exhibitor Records
februari 13, 2020

Potato Expo 2020 Breaks Attendee and Exhibitor Records

More than 2,000 U.S. potato growers and industry members from a dozen countries turned out for Potato Expo 2020 at The Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, to do business and prepare their operations for the future.
februari 11, 2020

INTA sows the first potatoes that do not oxidize

In a work published recently in Frontiers in Plant Science, scientists from Argentina and Sweden reported the results of the research that consisted in the edition of a polyphenol oxidase gene in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.).
Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica
februari 11, 2020

Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica

Haith Group, a leading designer and manufacturer of potato handling equipment, used the Fruit Logistica (5-7 February) to ramp-up its post-Brexit preparations as the company looks to continue its excellent European export levels.
Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren
februari 11, 2020

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren. Een aardappelteler die tot week 30 bewaart en alle premies kan verzilveren, ontvangt € 220,- per ton.
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Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!
februari 11, 2020

Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the upcoming annual Europatat Congress that will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 11 and 12 June 2020 at the beautiful Amigo Hotel.
PepsiCo Egypt and USAID Initiative Garners Increase in Potato Harvest
februari 11, 2020

PepsiCo Egypt and USAID support potato farmers to increase productivity

For the past year, PepsiCo Egypt has been working to empower Egyptian farmers by supporting them through training programs aimed at providing them with stronger technical know-how and other skills to improve efficiency and productivity.
Nueve concellos se liberan del veto al cultivo de patata
februari 10, 2020

Nueve concellos se liberan del veto al cultivo de patata

La Xunta y el Ministerio de Agricultura acordaron ayer levantar la prohibición de plantar patata en nueve ayuntamientos de las provincias de A Coruña y Lugo afectados por la polilla guatemalteca.
Patatas sin trampa ni cartón
februari 10, 2020

Patatas sin trampa ni cartón

El único productor de Terra Chá que vende producción certificada dice que la calidad debe ser valorada por el consumidor.
AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading
februari 09, 2020

AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading

AHDB Potatoes warns potato growers in the United Kingdom not to use the sprout inhibitor CIPC on their 2020 potatoes, as it makes it impossible to sell them. In fact ALL European farmers should follow this advice!
Europatat highlights the potato sector priorities at Fruit Logistica 2020
februari 06, 2020

Europatat highlights the potato sector priorities at Fruit Logistica 2020

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is attending Fruit Logistica during its edition 2020. As every year, the association is taking the opportunity to meet with many of its current and potential partners.


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