
Making The Future Of Food Sustainable
november 25, 2019

Making The Future Of Food Sustainable

Nicolai Prytz, sustainability and strategy director at TOMRA, has looked at how businesses, consumers and policymakers can help make the future of food sustainable.
november 21, 2019

Climate FieldView Partnership with CLAAS Brings Bayer Data Science to More Farms

CLAAS announced a global partnership with The Climate Corporation, Bayer’s digital farming arm, and its industry-leading FieldView™ digital farming platform.
TOMRA 3A Improves Output and Productivity for Premium Potato Producer
november 21, 2019

TOMRA 3A improves output and productivity for Premium Potato Producer

By using the TOMRA 3A high-performance sorting machine Duchemin (Caen, France) are able to ensure their potatoes are a premium product.
SoilEssentials now reseller 7Sense wireless irrigation sensor and their temperature & humidity sensor system
november 21, 2019

SoilEssentials now reseller of the wireless irrigation sensor and the T & RH monitoring system of 7Sense

The Scottish precision farming pioneers SoilEssentials announces collaboration with Norwegian company 7Sense, to be the UK’s reseller of their smart, wireless temperature & humidity sensor monitoring system and their reliable, waterproof irrigation sensor
november 20, 2019

Haith Group Store Loader PRO to be launched at LAMMA 2020

Haith Group will be unveiling its new Store Loader PRO at LAMMA 2020. The specialist vegetable handling and processing machinery manufacturer has incorporated several innovations into its latest store loading machine.
HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on last stock trading day
november 19, 2019

HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on recent stock trading day

The value of the shares in HZPC Holding B.V., the world market leader in potato breeding, has been fixed at €145.80 during the recent stock trading day. This means the value of the certificate has once again decreased by the maximum (10%) that is allowed.
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Despite the rain, British potato harvest is 89% complete
november 17, 2019

Despite much rain, British potato harvest is 89% complete

British farmers have persevered in the face of adversity to complete 89 per cent of the potato harvest during the wettest year so far since 2012.
Apply for 2020 'Next Generation' training for potato professionals at BP2019
november 14, 2019

Apply for 2020 'Next Generation' training for potato professionals at BP2019

BP2019 marks the start of the sign up for the next batch of up-and-coming potato professionals to take part in the 2020 Next Generation training programme.
Agrico shows its professionalism during the variety exhibition
november 14, 2019

Dutch cooperative Agrico highlights 'professionalism' during their show of new potato varieties

On 7 and 8 November, Agrico held its annual variety show at its research station in Bant. During this show, the cooperative presented its new, innovative varieties and inspired visitors to work together to maximise professionalism in the chain.
Ukraine breaks its potato import record
november 13, 2019

Ukraine potato import higher than ever

In October, Ukraine imported 92,600 tonnes of potatoes, which exceeds the annual import volume, according to Ukrainian Horticultural Association (UHA).
Tolsma-Grisnich has a new dealership in Spain
november 12, 2019

Tolsma-Grisnich has a new dealership in Spain

As of August 1, 2019 Tolsma-Grisnich, with residence in Emmeloord, the Netherlands has started a cooperation with José Bernad Refrigeration, with residence in Albacete, Spain, to explore the Spanish Agrofood market.
La comarca de A Limia recoge más de cien millones de kilos de patatas, de los que diez están amparados
november 11, 2019

La comarca de A Limia recoge más de cien millones de kilos de patatas, de los que diez están amparados

El Consello Regulador, a la espera de que Bruselas incluya la Agria y la Fina para doblar la producción.
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Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo
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Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo

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IPM: 'We voelen een verplichting om rassen te produceren die milieuvriendelijk te telen zijn.'

Colm McDonnell, IPM, Deinum: 'We voelen een verplichting om rassen te produceren die milieuvriendelijk te telen zijn.'
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HZPC research: 'Door merkergestuurde klassieke veredeling gaat er de komende tien tot vijftien jaar veel in het rassenpakket veranderen.'

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: 'Door merkergestuurde klassieke veredeling gaat er de komende tien tot vijftien jaar veel in het rassenpakket veranderen.'
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The Potato Company: 'Wat je uiteindelijk wilt vinden, is een praktische aardappel met een eenvoudige gebruikershandleiding.'

Jos Bus, The Potato Company, Emmeloord: 'Wat je uiteindelijk wilt vinden, is een praktische aardappel met een eenvoudige gebruikershandleiding.'
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Royal-ZAP/Semagri: 'Het een kwestie van ergens beginnen en wachten op een toevalstreffer.'

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De Nijs: 'We zoeken sterke, robuuste, droogte- en hitteresistente rassen.'

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