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Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
september 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI
september 19, 2020

Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI

Cavendish Farms’ new Potato Research Centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island officially opened on September 17, 2020 with a ribbon cutting with Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island, and company officials.
Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.
september 17, 2020

AHDB: Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.

With the coronavirus pandemic hitting the UK domestic potato trade, we have estimated a 1% drop year-on-year in the GB potato area for 2020/21, with the provisional area standing at 119Kha.
ntrevista con Juan Manuel Coello, director de operaciones de Patatas Meléndez.
september 07, 2020

Patatas Meléndez: 'Queremos alargar la campaña de Castilla y León hasta febrero-marzo'

Entre los proyectos que Patatas Meléndez tiene en materia de innovación figura el de alargar la campaña de Castilla y León hasta los meses de febrero y marzo. Entrevista con Juan Manuel Coello, director de operaciones de Patatas Meléndez.
La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola
september 07, 2020

La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola

La consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Mundo Rural, Territorio y Población, Eva Hita; la directora general de Agricultura y Ganadería, María Jesús Miñana y la directora general de Desarrollo Rural y Reto Demográfico, Nuria Bazo, se han reunido en la Cooperativa de Rioja Alta en Santo Domingo de la Calzada con su presidente, Emilio García, y su Consejo rector para analizar la campaña de la patata y la situación del sector en La Rioja.
Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'
augustus 31, 2020

Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'

'El mercado de la patata está bastante pesado en este momento, con más oferta que demanda, debido a la precocidad de las recogidas en Beauce y a que el consumo en los hogares sigue siendo limitado.'
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Context of the 2019 campaign, COVID-19 and consequences for the 2020 campaign
augustus 25, 2020

France: Pandemic brought uncertainty to potato markets; focus need to be on quality, says UNPT

Covid-19 has shaken up all predictions and profoundly changed the fundamentals of the 2019 campaign in France and the rest of Europe. On the French fresh market, it has meant a revival in terms of household consumption.
Potato Field in Bloom in British Columbia
augustus 20, 2020

Canadian Potato Crop Update August 20, 2020

Right now, parts of Eastern Canada are facing moderate to severe drought conditions. Rainfall is critical for this crop. In Western Canada, the crop is running behind schedule as processors push to get new crop harvest underway. Prairie yields currently look average at best.
augustus 20, 2020

C. Meijer BV rebranded Meijer Potato

Op 17 augustus 2020 gepresenteerd aardappelveredelaar Meijer Potato haar nieuwe corporate identity en bedrijfsverhaal. De nieuwe corporate identity van Meijer Potato zal zichtbaar worden op alle communicatiemiddelen en locaties.
La importación de Papas en Perú solo representa el 1% de la Producción Nacional
juli 27, 2020

La importación de Papas en Perú solo representa el 1% de la Producción Nacional

En 2019, la producción nacional de papa alcanzó las 5.300.000 toneladas, reflejando un incremento de 3.92% frente a las 5.100.000 toneladas de 2018, indicó el presidente de la consultora Inform@cción, Fernando Cillóniz Benavides.
juli 26, 2020

NEPG hoopt dat aardappelareaal met 5 % daalt

De vraag naar aardappelproducten in de foodservice is met 50 tot 60% gedaald net zoals de
potentiële afzet op de exportmarkten is gedaald, waardoor de aardappelverwerkende industrie
haar capaciteit en behoefte aan grondstoffen heeft verminderd. In de NEPG-landen op het vaste
land zal al meer dan 2 miljoen ton waarschijnlijk niet worden verwerkt.
Canadian Potato Crop Update June 24 2020
juli 16, 2020

Canadian Potato Crop Update June 24 2020

The Canadian Potato Crop is in the 'growing stage'. There is a recurring theme from coast to coast: It is dry – the crop is not suffering yet because
it is in the early stages of development but does need rain soon.
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Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento
juni 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento

Patatas Meléndez ha ampliado su equipo de trabajo incorporando a 91 personas más a su plantilla, lo que supone un aumento del 25%. Garantía de abastecimiento y atención a la demanda han sido los objetivos de la compañía en estas semanas de crisis sanitaria.
Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas
juni 01, 2020

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas.
Planting Update May 28, 2020
mei 29, 2020

Canadian Potato Crop Update May 28 2020

Many Canadian Potato growers have been dealing with a difficult two months with an unexpected supply of processing potatoes as a result of decreased sales of French fries, as sit-down restaurants shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rain decimates Tasmanian potato crop; processors fear European spuds will be dumped on Aussie market
mei 18, 2020

Rain decimates Tasmanian potato crop; processors fear European spuds will be dumped on Aussie market

Tasmanian potato growers, who produce the bulk of Australia’s French fries, are having a disastrous harvest. Months of wet weather is making it impossible to get onto paddocks in parts of the state.
In french fry heartland, spring turns bitter as coronavirus cuts into global demand
mei 12, 2020

In french fry heartland, spring turns bitter as coronavirus cuts into global demand

This year, this is a season when dreams die. Due to an epic potato glut that imploded his market, he has decided to do what was once unthinkable — destroy part of his crop rather than sink more dollars into cultivation.
COVID-19 pandemic could force down Idaho potato acres
april 28, 2020

COVID-19 pandemic could force down Idaho potato acres

Total acres of Idaho’s iconic potato crop could decrease significantly this year as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Although there was a rush on potatoes at grocery stores early on.


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