Sweets & Snacks Expo 2019

Sweets & Snacks Expo

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Beschrijving van het evenement

Sponsored by the National Confectioners Association, the Sweets and Snacks Expo is the top event of the candy & snacks industry that brings together all major US distribution channels of confectionery and snack products in one place.

The show is visited by over 15,000 industry professionals including buyers and buying teams, merchandisers, wholesalers, category managers, store owners and executives, importers, exporters, suppliers and brokers.

Close to 800 manufacturers of sweets and snacks exhibit at the event. The exhibitors cover the whole gamma of sweets and snack products, including manufacturers chocolate, candy, gum, salty snacks, cookies, packaged cakes, biscuits, popcorn, granola bars, breakfast snacks, nutrition bars, meat snacks, fruit snacks, nuts, seeds, packaged goods and ice cream.

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