We understand that on 17 June 2019 the European Union’s Health and Food Safety Directorate-General Appeal Committee concluded Chlorpropham’s (CIPC) approval for use both as a herbicide and as a sprout suppressant cannot be renewed.
juni 19, 2019
Alemania: Día de la Patata Temprana 2019
El pasado 6 de junio de 2019 tuvo lugar la cita anual del Día de la Patata Temprana en la empresa Maurer Parat en la localidad de Dirmstein, en la región alemana del Palatinado.
juni 19, 2019
Productores logran 45 toneladas por hectárea de papa INIA 309-Serranita en primera cosecha
Agricultores del Centro Poblado de Huanchar, del distrito de Santa Rosa, provincia de Concepción, Junín, obtuvieron su primera cosecha de papa INIA 309-Serranita, una variedad liberada por el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA).
juni 19, 2019
Pleno agrario: aprueban promoción y protección de la papa y sus productores
El pleno del Congreso aprobó la ley de promoción y protección del cultivo de la papa y de sus productores durante la sesión plenaria en torno al sector agrario.
juni 19, 2019
Lamb Weston Opens Expanded Operations in Hermiston, Oregon
Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: LW) joined with community and civic leaders on June 13 to celebrate the completed expansion of its operations in Hermiston, Oregon.
Aphids and the plant viruses they transmit cause billions of dollars in crop damage around the world every year.
juni 19, 2019
Kettle Foods deepens its Norfolk roots with £2.7m potato processing investment
A well-known Norwich crisps brand has embedded its roots in Norfolk for decades to come by investing £2.7m in a new potato processing building - unlocking the factory's future growth potential.
juni 19, 2019
McCain launches craft beer battered fries in Australia
McCain has launched a range of craft beer battered chips via a new campaign from Cummins&Partners that "challenges the norm" of online advertising with a long and complex audio clip.
juni 18, 2019
Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers
Giving away the original 6-ton replica Russet Burbank that once toured the nation on its Great Big Idaho Potato Truck is paying major dividends for the Idaho Potato Commission, according to Frank Muir, president and CEO of the organization.
juni 18, 2019
Patat Inc.: De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden.
De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden. Deze week bleek dat Belgische telers in Noord-Frankrijk neerstrijken omdat het Belgische areaal bijna uitgeput is.
juni 17, 2019
Complete Snack Solutions on display at Snackex 2019 with Heat and Control and Ishida
The Heat and Control and Ishida (HCI) Alliance is delivering on the promise of a ‘one-stop-shop’ for integrated processing and packaging snack solutions, with an expert team and a selection of the latest innovative equipment design on display at Snackex,
juni 14, 2019
Freshfel Europe 2019 Activity Report published
Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Activity Report has been published and is now available for download on the Freshfel Europe website.