
Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus
maart 30, 2020

Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus

El Ministerio del Interior alemán ha anunciado la prohibición de entrada al país a partir de las 17.00 horas de este miércoles de los trabajadores temporeros en el marco de los esfuerzos para frenar la propagación del coronavirus.
Irish farm opens contactless drive-thru potato service to help combat coronavirus lockdown
maart 30, 2020

Irish Farm Opens Contactless Drive-thru Potato Service to Help Combat Coronavirus Lockdown

An Irish farm has found an innovative way to keep Ireland fed during the coronavirus pandemic: a contactless drive-through potato service.
Las medidas por el Coronavirus podrían causar una Escasez Mundial de Alimentos
maart 30, 2020

Las medidas por el Coronavirus podrían causar una Escasez Mundial de Alimentos

Las medidas proteccionistas de los gobiernos nacionales durante la crisis del coronavirus podrían provocar escasez de alimentos en todo el mundo, advirtió la ONU.
Fertilización de precisión en maíz y patata con el nitrógeno estabilizado de ENTEC
maart 30, 2020

Fertilización de precisión en maíz y patata con el nitrógeno estabilizado de ENTEC

Entre las actividades de gestión de los cultivos de maíz y patata, la planificación de la fertilización se encuentra entre las principales para lograr altos rendimientos y productividad.
GimMe Snacks Debuts New Sea Salt & Avocado Oil Roasted Seaweed Snack Flavor
maart 30, 2020

GimMe Snacks Debuts New Sea Salt & Avocado Oil Roasted Seaweed Snack Flavor

Top organic seaweed snack brand, gimMe Snacks, has announced the debut of their new Sea Salt & Avocado Oil Roasted Seaweed Snack flavor. Continuing to bring the benefits of nutrient-packed seaweed to everyday snacking, the brand is excited to share ...
Protecting Indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world's biodiversity
maart 27, 2020

Protecting Indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world's biodiversity

Species are being lost at about a thousand times the natural rate of extinction. This is faster than at any other period in human history. Ecosystems—the vital systems on which all life depends—are being degraded across the globe.
Europatat Congress 2020 is cancelled
maart 26, 2020

Europatat Congress 2020 is cancelled

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, regrets to inform that the Europatat
Congress 2020, scheduled to take place on 11 and 12 June in Brussels, will be cancelled following
the escalation of COVID-19 crisis in Europe.
Fairfields Farm launch free potato delivery service
maart 25, 2020

Fairfields Farm launch free potato delivery service

Essex potato farmers have responded to the coronavirus crisis by setting up a free home delivery service for the local community.
First new potatoes on Malta harvested
maart 25, 2020

First new potatoes on Malta harvested

Kees Schouten, from Altena Potatoes: 'The question is how the market will respond to new potatoes in these turbulent times'.
Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus
maart 24, 2020

Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus

De coronacrisis heeft de vrije markt voor de aardappelen volledig doen instorten. Zowel de PCA/Fiwap- als de Belgapom-prijsnotering werd geschorst omdat er een gebrek aan transacties was op de vrije aardappelmarkt.
Tips for Purchasing, Storing and Cooking Potatoes from U.S. Potato Farmers
maart 24, 2020

Tips for Purchasing, Storing and Cooking Potatoes from U.S. Potato Farmers

Many consumers are stocking up on potatoes during these uncertain times, and it's important to make the most of these purchases. Heidi Alsum Randall, a potato farmer and mother from Wisconsin, provided the following thoughts:
Potato seed-breeding center will be built in the Tomsk region
maart 24, 2020

Potato breeding center will be built in the Tomsk region, Russia

The plans for its creation were considered by an interdepartmental commission for the implementation of investment projects in the agricultural sector under the leadership of the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for agro-industrial complex


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