Industrial Potato Cutting: Kiremko and FAM Stumabo announce long-term global partnership
Kiremko, the leading manufacturer of turnkey potato processing lines, and FAM Stumabo, worldwide known for their progressive industrial potato cutting solutions have entered into a long-term global partnership.
februari 15, 2022
WPVGA Honors Paul Miller with Hall of Fame Induction
Paul Miller of Paul Miller Farms, Inc., Hancock, was inducted into the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association Hall of Fame at the industry’s annual awards banquet held February 9, 2022, in Stevens Point.
februari 15, 2022
WPVGA Presents Annual Industry Awards
In addition to its annual Hall of Fame induction, the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) presented several other annual Industry Awards
februari 15, 2022
WPVGA presents new board of directors
The Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association's board of directors will have a new president for the coming year.
februari 14, 2022
Scotts appoint RM Agricultural Engineering Ltd to support West Midlands growth
Scotts Precision Manufacturing Ltd has extended its distribution network with the appointment of a new sales and service agent to cover the West Midlands (United Kingdom).
februari 14, 2022
The right potato variety with the robustness index
The potato is the third-largest food crop in the world and therefore an important part of our diet. Meijer Potato believes that everybody deserves to enjoy food.
februari 14, 2022
KMC maakt doorbraak: Deens aardappeleiwit om plantaardige vleesoplossingen te verbeteren
Als eerste ter wereld is het innovatieve Deense ingrediëntenbedrijf KMC erin geslaagd om getextureerd aardappeleiwit te creëren dat kan worden gebruikt als ingrediënt in plantaardig vlees.
februari 14, 2022
Snack Sales Spike During Super Bowl Week
Total snack food sales jumped 12.5% to USD 487 million during Super Bowl Week 2021, according to new data from IRI, commissioned by SNAC International (SNAC)
februari 13, 2022
Idahoan Foods, LLC. Appoints Dale Clemiss as Chief Executive Officer
Idahoan Foods, LLC. announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Dale Clemiss as Chief Executive Officer effective March 7, 2022.
februari 13, 2022
Prince Edward Island resumes export of potatoes to Puerto Rico
The United States has agreed to let imports of Prince Edward Island table stock potatoes to Puerto Rico resume. United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack made the announcement in a news release last week.
februari 09, 2022
Agrico: 'La calidad debe ser buena, pero los rendimientos siguen siendo más importantes'
La empresa holandesa Agrico es un actor global en el campo de las variedades de patatas de siembra y de consumo. El desarrollo de variedades innovadoras que se adapten a varios climas y mercados constituye una parte esencial de la empresa.
februari 09, 2022
Alemania: Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata
Christian Fockenberg, uno de los dos directores generales de T. Stadtmann & Co, con sede en Bottrop, al describir la situación actual del mercado.