
maart 18, 2008

Sustainability, Eco-Efficiency, Traceability initiative BASF helps ensure food safety, measure sustainability

BASF has developed a tool for its customers in the food industry which affords detailed information on the composition of products and manufacturing methods, including levels of sustainability achieved in production. The SET data is available to custom...
maart 18, 2008

Bemora Restaurantketens halen meer omzet met minder klanten

De Belgische restaurantketens die onder de koepel van beroepsvereniging Bemora vallen, hebben hun vergelijkbare omzet vorig jaar met 4,7 procent zien toenemen, maar kregen bijna een procent minder klanten over de vloer.De gemiddelde ticketbesteding (zo...
maart 18, 2008

Argentina: Bienvenida, papa extranjera

La Secretaría de Agricultura autorizó el levantamiento, hasta fin de año y en forma “excepcional”, de las medidas sanitarias que impiden la importación de papa, para paliar la escasez del producto provocada por las heladas que afectaron parte de la pro...
maart 18, 2008

Peruvians eat potato bread ('papapan') amid rising cost of wheat flour

Peru's military has begun eating bread made from potatoes, a native crop, to combat a rise in food prices partly fueled by the cost of loaves made from imported wheat, Defense Minister Antero Flores-Araoz said. Wheat prices have risen 35 percent in t...
maart 18, 2008

The Victorian potato industry struggling because of heatwave.

The Victorian potato industry is struggling because of the heatwave. This year's potato crop was expected to be successful after a good start, but the recent hot weather has dried up irrigation sources. Norm Suckling, a potato farmer from Mollongghip ...
maart 18, 2008

Utrecht controleert op vetafscheiders

De gemeente Utrecht gaat de komende maanden horecaondernemers in de binnenstad controleren op het bezit van een vetafscheider. Deze is verplicht, maar niet alle horecazaken in de Utrechtse binnenstad hebben er één, weet de gemeente.   Volgens de Wet M...
maart 17, 2008

Global Initiative Launched To End Junk Food Ads

More than 50 consumer groups have launched a worldwide campaign to reduce the marketing of unhealthy food to children. Among other things, the new voluntary code calls for tight restrictions on both television and Internet advertising, prohibits the ma...
North Carolina State University's Potato variety trial planting underway
maart 17, 2008

North Carolina State University's Potato variety trial planting underway

A researcher for North Carolina State University's Potato Breeding and Genetics Program, Clough plants test fields in Pasquotank County and other state locations each year to test potato varieties and compare their yields and quality.
maart 17, 2008

Subway Veggie Roasters to tap potatoes

maart 17, 2008

Management changes at Clextral

Clextral, manufacturer of twin-screw extrusion and supplier of drying solutions, continues to break records of sales in 2007 and 2008 already shows very promising figures.Clextral decided to change its organization which has been under the leadership o...
maart 17, 2008

March US Potato Stocks Up 8 Percent from Last Year

The 13 major potato states held 172 million cwt. of potatoes in storage March 1, up 8 percent from last year and 10 percent above 2006, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Potatoes in storage accounted for 43 percent of the 2...
Solanic potato protein
maart 17, 2008

Avebe's aardappeleiwit Solanic wint Franse prijs

Avebe heeft op de Franse beurs CFIA met Solanic de Innovation Award gewonnen. Het bedrijf won de prijs met de Solanic-versie Promish 204 P, een hoogwaardig eiwit dat onder meer gebruikt kan worden in vlees- en visproducten.


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