Burger King Japan is offering dried ramen instead of French fries in its combo meals
Burger King Japan is offering dried ramen instead of French fries in its combo meals

In recent months, Japan has been rocked multiple times by a potato shortage. Some might say "rocked" is too strong a word, but how else can one describe the collective simultaneous rumbling of unsatisfied stomachs across the country as fast food giants like McDonald’s and Mos Burger were both forced to suspend French fry sales?
French fries are now back on the menu, but the illusion of an infallible pipeline of potatoes into Japan has been shattered, and continuing global uncertainties mean that the crisis can’t be called truly over yet.
But as optimists know, behind every crisis is an opportunity, and it could very well be that the threat of future fry shortages has the potential to spur humanity to an even higher plane of hamburger side-order bliss. How so? Starting next week, Burger King Japan will be offering combo meals consisting of a hamburger, drink, and ramen.

Daitai Potato Set

Baby Star Dodekai Ramen

The nine King Value combos range in price from JPY 550 (about USD 4.26) to JPY 650 (about USD 5.03)

The Daitai Potato Set with I supported the King sticker