Potato Council returns to Fruit Logistica to promote seed certification scheme

Potato Council returns to Fruit Logistica to promote seed certification scheme
januari 12, 2011

Building on the success of their first visit to Fruit Logistica, Potato Council staff will again be on-hand at the show (Fruit Logistica February 9-11, Berlin) to promote the considerable benefits for growers of cultivating seed potatoes from the GB Safe Haven Certification Scheme.

“The rigorous protocols followed by the scheme help protect growers and their businesses from devastating diseases such as ring rot, Dickeya solani and other non-established pests and pathogens that could result in severe financial losses,” explains Potato Council seed and export executive Sophie Lock.

“The Safe Haven scheme has helped British seed growers protect their domestic markets, and a growing recognition of the certification scheme overseas has resulted in a rise in British seed potato exports in recent years.”

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