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Royal ZAP


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More than a century of experience in the selection of seed (potatoes) and grains, the fertile clay soil in their polders in the northern part of North Holland, strict controls, and a mild maritime climate, have resulted in a first-class end product: healthy seed potatoes and grains.

Since 2017, through cooperation with Semagri Holland, an even more powerful company has emerged with its own varieties with which they are active in the table, fries and chips sectors.

It goes without saying that from that moment on the cultivation of seed potatoes for Royal ZAP is not only entrusted to the North Holland soil but has become a cultivation throughout the Netherlands. They export the proceeds from this all over the world, with an emphasis on North Africa, the Middle East and (Eastern) Europe.

As an extra service they can print NAK certificates that you can pick up at their office in Wieringerwerf.

In September 2023, Royal ZAP was acquired by Agrico.
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september 27, 2023

Aardappel coöperatie Agrico neemt de pootgoed-activiteiten van Royal ZAP over

Agrico neemt de pootgoed-activiteiten van Royal ZAP over. Met deze overname zet Agrico een stap in groei van haar areaal om aan de vraag te kunnen voldoen.
november 06, 2019

Royal-ZAP/Semagri: 'Het een kwestie van ergens beginnen en wachten op een toevalstreffer.'

Lammert Buwalda, Royal-ZAP/Semagri, Wieringerwerf: 'Het een kwestie van ergens beginnen en wachten op een toevalstreffer.'

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Royal Zap

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