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Koike-Ya Inc.

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Koike-Ya is a Japanese snack food manufacturer that produces and sells snacks and healthy foods.

It was responsible for the first successful mass production of potato chips in Japan, and has developed a number of unique, original brands such as “Karamucho” and “Scorn.”

Now they are involved with developing new material, new package and new market that can innovate current food culture.

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Koikeya giving snackers a chance to compare chips made from potatoes in 3 Japanese regions
mei 29, 2023

Koikeya offers snackers the opportunity to compare chips made from potatoes grown in 3 Japanese regions

Drinks like sake and wine are often appreciated for their regional characteristics that are deeply rooted in the environmental conditions from the crop used. So, why not potato chips too?
Individually wrapped potato chips! New genre 'high-density potato chips' dark potatoes anchovy olives
oktober 09, 2022

Individually wrapped potato chips! New genre 'high-density potato chips' dark potatoes anchovy olives

Koikeya Co., Ltd. launched a new style high-density potato chip 'Dark Potato Anchovy Olive' with a rich sauce on crispy potatoes in Tokyo and the surrounding (Kanto) area, Japan. It will be on sale at all channels and in the Koikeya online shop.
Japan’s Top Potato Chip Maker Calbee to Raise Prices Up to 20%
juni 23, 2022

Japan's Potato Chip Manufacturer Calbee to Raise Snack Prices Up to 20%

Calbee Inc., Japan’s answer to Frito-Lay with an enormous product line-up ranging from pizza-flavored potato chips to low-carb granola, is raising prices again as companies struggle to absorb costs
Japanese potato chip Flavor Innovation
april 27, 2021

Mintel discusses Japanese potato chip Flavor Innovation

Looking at the Japanese snack market, Japanese potato chip products are a highly active category. Compared to Chinese potato chip products, Japanese potato chips are worth learning from in terms of flavor selection and dimensions.

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Koike-Ya Inc.

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