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Dutch Potato Processing Association (DPPA or VAVI)


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The Dutch Potato Processing Industry (Vereniging voor de Aardappelverwerkende Industrie) represents the Dutch Potato Processing Industry (french fries, dehydrated potato products)

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VAVI sluit zich aan bij de organisatie van de aardappeldemodag
april 15, 2024

VAVI sluit zich aan bij de organisatie van de aardappeldemodag

Sinds 2024 heeft de Vereniging voor de Aardappelverwerkende Industrie (VAVI) zich aangesloten bij de organisatie van Aardappeldemodag.
The province and chain partners jointly reward Drenthe arable farmers for sustainable performance
februari 07, 2024

Dutch province Drenthe and potato chain partners push sustainability by rewarding farmers

De provincie Drenthe start sa men met de ketenpartners een pilot voor akkerbouwers rondom belonen voor duurzaamheid. In de pilot worden de Kritische Prestatie Indicatoren (KPI’s) uit de Biodiversiteitsmonitor Akkerbouw in de praktijk getest.
Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
mei 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Belgapom and VAVI respond to commotion in potato sector
augustus 20, 2018

Belgapom and VAVI respond to commotion in potato sector

The warm and dry weather of recent months has caused a commotion in the potato sector in Northern Europe. This is why representatives of both the Dutch and Belgian potato sectors came together to discuss the situation and to voice their concerns.

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Dutch Potato Processing Association (DPPA or VAVI)

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