The group's NYC chapter's Executive Vice President Andrew Rigie went on FOX News Channel's FOX &Friends this morning to defend the restaurant industry's position.
"If councilmen want to go on a noble cause to reduce the obesity epidemic, they should work with the industry and work with groups like the New York State Restaurant Association and provide education in schools that teach nutrition and healthy lifestyles,"Rigie told anchor Gretchen Carlson.
Rigie also says that NYSRA will work with the City Council and other groups to help educate children and parents about nutrition and how to make smart choices when dining out.
The National Restaurant Association is also keeping an eye on toy ban legislation proposals, among other state and local legislation (members can access information in our online legislative tracker). On the state level, a similar proposal was "indefinitely postponed"in Nebraska earlier this year, and Arizona's Senate recently voted to prohibit regulations on restaurant meal incentives sending the legislative to Governor Jan Brewer for her expected signature.
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State and local legislation to ban toys/incentives with children's meals.