Noticias sobre el Ácido Clorogénico de Los Estados Unidos

Colorado State University develops nutrient-rich purple potatoes
Mayo 23, 2016

Colorado State University develops nutrient-rich purple potatoes

Purple potatoes might not be the first thing that comes to mind when trying to increase vitamin, mineral and antioxidant intake. However, a group of researchers from CSU have recently developed potato varieties that satisfy these nutritional needs and could act as a preventive measure to several diseases.
Colorful potatoes may pack powerful cancer prevention punch
Agosto 28, 2015

Colorful potatoes may pack powerful cancer prevention punch

Researchers of Penn State University discovered that compounds found in purple potatoes may help kill colon cancer stem cells and limit the spread of the cancer.
Junio 02, 2010

Chlorogenic acid induces death of breast cancer cells

The Texas A&M University published research that breast cancer cells died after treatments with peach and plum extracts. The researchers identified chlorogenic acid and neochlorogenic acid as the components responsible for killing the cancer cells...


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