Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

 Left: potato affected by CRN
Abril 15, 2009

Columbia root-knot nematodes resistant potato developed by ARS scientists

Despite their microscopic size, Columbia root-knot nematodes (CRN) have potential to inflict huge losses—about $40 million annually—by tunneling into potatoes to feed.
Marzo 18, 2009

University of Maine cooperative extension program saves potato farmers 17 million

Maine potato growers are thriving thanks to a late blight spraying advice offered by the University of Maine's cooperative extension program.
Julio 16, 2008

Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research developed a potato that is resistant to common scab

The humble spud has few natural enemies (beside humans), but common scab disease is one that threatens the whole potato industry. Common scab is one of the most prevalent and costly diseases for the potato industry worldwide. The vegetable research t...


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