Enfermedad de la Mancha Rayada de la Papa

 Zebra chip
Octubre 11, 2011

Zebra Chip Finds Its Way to Idaho’s Potato Fields

A potato pest from points south has reached Idaho, University of Idaho Extension specialists with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences confirmed this week. It was reported last month in Oregon and Washington.
 Potato Psyllid
Septiembre 12, 2011

Zebra chip disease hits potatoes in Oregon and Washington

Zebra chip, a disease that annually costs Southwest U.S. potato growers millions of dollars in crop loss, has been found in Washington and Oregon. A USDA scientist and an Oregon State University plant pathologist confirmed zebra chip in tuber samples ...
 Zebra chip disease
Mayo 14, 2010

ARS and University of California attack zebra chip disease

Developing a chemical attractant to monitor and manage the potato psyllid is the goal of a new cooperative agreement signed in March between the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the University of California (UC) at Riverside.
 Potato chips from potatoes affected by the Zebra chips disease (ARS)
Octubre 13, 2009

Liberibacter Species Bacterium Identified as Prime Suspect in Zebra Chip Disease

Since 2000, a mystery disease has struck some potato fields in Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, and other western states, reducing tuber yields and quality.
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