Variedades de Patata

Ensuring Quality from Seed to Table: The Role of Seed Certification in NZ’s Potato Industry
Octubre 20, 2023

Ensuring Quality from Seed to Table: The Role of Seed Certification in New Zealand’s Potato Industry

The New Zealand Seed Potato Certification Scheme was established in 1948 and has been running continuously since then.
Abril 13, 2022

¿La patata más grande del mundo? ¡No, no es una patata!

¿Cuándo una patata no es una patata? Cuando es un tubérculo de una calabaza, según Guinness World Records. Una pareja de Nueva Zelanda que creía haber desenterrado la patata más grande del mundo en el jardín de su pequeña granja cerca de Hamilton
Plant seed potatoes now and you’ll be digging up your own buried treasure in just a few months.
Septiembre 17, 2020

Potatoes from plot to plate: how to grow the perfect spuds in your New Zealand backyard

While in the Northern hemisphere we are harvesting potatoes and getting ready for winter, this is not the case in the Southern hemisphere. This article offers tips on how to grow potatoes in your New Zealand backyard.
Maara kai – reinvigorating Māori Food Sovereignty through potatoes in New Zealand
Agosto 26, 2019

Maara kai - reinvigorating Maori Food Sovereignty through potatoes in New Zealand

As we wound our way down to Port Levy, New Zealand, although only an hour from Christchurch city, it felt a world away. The turquoise waters of the harbour as still as glass, under the mid-afternoon Winter sun.
Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand
Julio 06, 2017

Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand

JR Simplot has applied at FSANZ for approval to export genetically modified potato products into Australia and New Zealand. Unclear is what type of products this is about, but unprocessed potatoes can not be imported.
New Zealand get's its own brand of low carb potatoes: 'Lotatoes™'
Junio 13, 2017

New Zealand get's its own brand of low carb potatoes: 'Lotatoes™'

In New Zealand, produce company T&G is launching a new brand of low carb potatoes with the memorable name 'Lotatoes'.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Bright future for New Zealand potato variety 'White Beauty'
Octubre 18, 2016

Bright future for New Zealand potato variety 'White Beauty'

Potato Experts from New Zealand predict a bright future for a new potato variety, marketed as 'White Beauty' (cultivar name ‘Crop39’). White Beauty will be commercially available to growers through Morgan Laurenson Ltd from 2017.
Agosto 23, 2010

Gourmet Potato Purple Heart now on New Zealand market

It has been bred by Plant & Food Research and it has a smooth deep purple skin with purple and white flesh.


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