Variedades de Patata

Elorn Plants joins Europatat, a specialist in seed potatoes production and sales based in Brittany, France
Marzo 09, 2025

French seed potato developer Elorn Plants joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes Elorn Plants, a specialist of seed potatoes production and sale based in Finistère, in western Brittany (France). The region is known worldwide for the quality of its seed potato production and the earliness of its shipments.
The AgriSIMA Trade Fair 2026: A new name, a new concept, returning in February
Noviembre 02, 2024

The AgriSIMA Trade Fair 2026: A new name, a new concept, returning in February 2026

AXEMA has decided to reinvent the agricultural professionals' trade fair to better meet the challenges of large-scale crops, mixed farming and livestock farming, and specialized open-field crops.
Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at Potato Europe in France is a magnet that brings potato professionals together
Septiembre 11, 2024

Schaap Holland: NAO pavilion at PotatoEurope is a magnet that brings potato professionals together

Schaap Holland is a distinguished participant in the NAO pavilion at Potato Europe. The pavilion serves as the perfect platform for Schaap Holland to showcase its expertise and connect with other professionals in the potato industry.
Francisco Moya
Mayo 08, 2023

Francisco Moya, presidente de CNIPT: “Las necesidades de patata en el mundo son muy altas”

Hombre de consensos, firme defensor y creyente de las actuaciones a nivel de conjunto, Moya tomó el relevo de la presidencia del CNIPT a finales de 2022.
France: the extra early Primaline potato has arrived!
Marzo 25, 2023

Extra early Primaline potatoes available in France.

One month ago, Prince de Bretagne started harvesting the extra early Primaline potatoes grown under shelter. The harvest will continue until the end of April, before the open field crops take over.
The Delicatesse potato has acquired national fame in no time
Junio 16, 2022

The Delicatesse early potato variety quickly became famous in France

For fifteen years, HDC Lamotte, a French company located in the Drôme department, has been cultivating the Linzer delikatess variety of potatoes, sold under the Délicatesse brand.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Mayo 25, 2022

Las siembras de patata temprana ya han finalizado en Francia y se han iniciado los arranques en algunas zonas

En Francia, el progreso de las cosechas tempranas avanza sin problemas a pesar de las difíciles condiciones por la falta de agua de las últimas semanas, informa la Interprofesional Francesa de la Patata (CNIPT).
Francia: 'Un inicio de campaña centrado en las exportaciones para el mercado de la patata de conservación'
Septiembre 28, 2020

Francia: 'Un inicio de campaña centrado en las exportaciones para el mercado de la patata de conservación'

La demanda de patatas en el mercado francés es actualmente moderada. De hecho, los operadores están cubiertos con contratos de entregas de cosechas y el consumo sigue siendo relativamente escaso en este inicio de mes de septiembre a nivel nacional.
La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse
Agosto 03, 2020

La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse

Mientras que las patatas de la antigua cosecha ya no están disponibles, el productor y envasador Terroir d’Origine espera con impaciencia la nueva cosecha. 'Hay mucha demanda, pero la oferta es limitada en este momento'.
Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'
Diciembre 19, 2019

Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'

A principios de este mes de diciembre, ya es posible consumir patatas con la certificación Demain la Terre. Pomliberty se unió a la asociación Demain la Terre como miembro en 2017.
The French company Select’Up joins Europatat
Septiembre 03, 2019

The French company Select'Up joins Europatat

Europatat warmly welcomes the French company Select’Up specialised in growing, importing and exporting potatoes, who joined the Association at the beginning of the year.
Germicopa seed potato trial
Octubre 15, 2014

French Seed Potato Company Germicopa acquired by Florimond Desprez Group

Florimond Desprez, an independent family‐owned company, has acquired Germicopa, the leading French potato seed company and world leader in firm flesh potato varieties.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Gourmandine culinair
Octubre 18, 2012

Agrico potato Gourmandine 'taste of the year' for third time

This year, Agrico's potato variety Gourmandine was awarded the much coveted French quality award ‘Saveur de l’Année 2013’ (‘Taste of the Year 2013’) for the third time.
French consumers find Gourmandine the tastiest potato
Diciembre 15, 2011

French consumers find Gourmandine the tastiest potato

The Gourmandine has been awarded the coveted French quality award ‘Saveur de l’Année 2012’ (‘Taste of the Year 2012’). Once again, French consumers find the Gourmandine to be the tastiest potato in the category potatoes, vegetables and fruit. This culi...
Create your own 'Bonnotte' and charge the Potato Price you want
Mayo 28, 2009

Create your own 'Bonnotte' and charge the Potato Price you want

In France, on the Island of Noirmoutier, they figured it out: they created a niche market for a specifically grown premier potato so exclusive that the potato ended up on this obscure list of the most expensive foods in the world: Voila, La Bonnotte.


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