Tendencias Alimentarias

Vultus presenta un nuevo servicio para un control más efectivo de enfermedades en los cultivos de patata.
Abril 01, 2024

Vultus presenta un nuevo servicio para un control más efectivo de enfermedades en los cultivos de patata.

Vultus AB lanza un nuevo servicio junto con AR Tarim, parte de Agrico y Europlant, para la detección temprana de enfermedades en cultivos de patata.
This modern facility, located in Ranst, Belgium, which earned the title of 'Factory of the Future,' last year, embodies Pomuni's commitment to innovation and excellence
Marzo 30, 2024

Pomuni CEO Ben Muyshondt Sees the Market for Frozen Products to Grow in Next 3 to 4 Year

With innovation, resilience, and a commitment to sustainability as its guiding principles, Pomuni is poised to continue its ascent, leaving an indelible mark on the agricultural landscape of Belgium and beyond.
Candid, SNAC Tank winner in 2022
Marzo 28, 2024

SNAC International Announces SNAC Tank Finalists and Judges

On Tuesday, April 14, five finalists will compete in the third biennial “SNAC Tank,” a pitch competition for emerging snack brands at SNX 2024 in Dallas, Texas.
Revolutionizing Food Production
Marzo 28, 2024

Rebranding the FPSA: Food Production Solutions Association

FPSA - formerly known as Food Processing Suppliers Association - has rebranded as the Food Production Solutions Association, emphasizing innovation and collaboration to enhance food production efficiency and safety.
SunChips Celebrates Solar Event with Exclusive Eclipse Inspired Flavor Release and Partnership with Astronaut Kellie Gerardi
Marzo 28, 2024

SunChips Celebrates Solar Event with Exclusive Eclipse Inspired Flavor Release and Partnership with Astronaut Kellie Gerardi

As the country prepares for the highly anticipated solar eclipse, SunChips® is stepping into the spotlight.
JIN Liping (Ms), Ph.D, Professor of Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences(CAAS)
Marzo 28, 2024

Learn about the Potato Research in China in the next World Potato Congress Webinar

World Potato Congress Inc. presents their next Webinar: The National Potato Program and its Contribution to Potato Industry Advancement in China, by Jin Liping, on Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 8:00 am Eastern Standard Time (USA/Canada).
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Aaron Fox, Executive Vice President at Fox Packaging
Marzo 27, 2024

Aaron Fox, VP of Fox Packaging on Sustainable Packaging

In the ever-evolving landscape of packaging, where sustainability takes center stage, Fox Packaging's team actively monitors the market, its trends, and most importantly, supply chain needs.
Hungritos Trade Show Triumph: Making Waves at Foodex Japan, Gulfood, and World Food India
Marzo 25, 2024

Hungritos potato products are making waves at trade shows in Japan, Dubai and India

After successful trade shows - Foodex Japan 2024, Gulfood 2024, and World Food India – Indian-origin brand Hungritos has its hands full to meet overwhelming export orders for its frozen potato products in 2024.
Potato Processor Peka Kroef B.V. Expands Market Dominance with Acquisition of Frespo B.V.
Marzo 18, 2024

Dutch potato processor Peka Kroef B.V. strengthens its position in the market of chilled products with the acquisition of Frespo B.V.

Dutch potato processor Peka Kroef B.V. entered into a purchase agreement with investment company Nimbus on March 14 2024, regarding the acquisition of potato processor Frespo B.V., the former Aviko site in Cuijk.
El Indicador Combinado de Sequía
Marzo 18, 2024

Europa: la sequía se hace sentir en el Mediterráneo impactando la producción

Ahora, se anticipa el espectro de una primavera más cálida de lo normal en 2024, según lo predice el informe del Centro Común de Investigación (JRC) "Sequía en la Región Mediterránea - Enero de 2024."
Argentina: técnicas de nutrición complementaria
Marzo 18, 2024

Argentina: técnicas de nutrición complementaria

Jornada técnica sobre nutrición complementaria muestra resultados a campo muy prometedores.
FAO: el valor de la papa en el mundo
Marzo 18, 2024

FAO: el valor de la papa en el mundo

La FAO ha destacado la importancia de la papa para la seguridad alimentaria mundial. A continuación una guia con algunas publicaciones de interés.
Contenido Patrocinado

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España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas
Marzo 18, 2024

España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas

En España se aprobó una subvención de 80.000 euros para la investigación y la promoción del cultivo de patatas. Una apuesta gubernamental a uno de los cultivos que más ha visto crecer sus exportaciones en los últimos tiempos.
Lynette Dinga (WFP Nutritionist), Chalmers Mulwa (CIP Scientist), Simon Heck (CIP DG), Lauren Landis (WFP Country Director Kenya), George Njoroge (WFP Head of FtMA), Robert Ackatia-Armah (WFP Head of Programme Support)
Marzo 16, 2024

Empowering Nutrition, Building Resilience: World Food Programme and International Potato Center Join Forces

To combat hunger and malnutrition, the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Potato Center (CIP) have extended their partnership for a further four years with a new memorandum of understanding (MOU)
Potato chip maker rescues 25 million pounds of 'ugly' potatoes
Marzo 14, 2024

Potato chip maker rescues 25 million pounds of 'ugly' potatoes

Uglies Kettle Chips has now 'rescued' 25 million pounds of 'ugly potatoes' that have gone into making the brand’s upcycled Uglies Kettle Chips.
Royal Avebe extends cooperation for bio natural gas production in Germany
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Royal Avebe extends cooperation for bio natural gas production in Germany

Royal Avebe will continue to purchase two million kilowatt hours of fossil-free biomethane at its German plant in Lüchow in 2024.
Perú: grandes perdidas debido a lluvias y heladas
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Perú: grandes perdidas debido a lluvias y heladas

Hasta 40% de los cultivos en algunas zonas productivas se vieron comprometidos. El alcalde de la municipalidad afectada se manifestó al respecto.
Brasil: precios bajan por tercer semana consecutiva
Marzo 11, 2024

Brasil: precios bajan por tercer semana consecutiva

Debido a problemas de calidad y aumento en los ritmos de cosecha los precios continuan a la baja.


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