Tendencias Alimentarias

Abril 16, 2012

Michigan potato growers to vote on continuation Michigan Potato Industry Commission

Michigan potato growers have an opportunity to vote on whether to continue the Michigan Potato Industry Commission in a referendum conducted by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). The referendum will begin Monday, Apr...
Abril 16, 2012

UK: Fenmarc powered by renewable energy

Fresh produce supplier Fenmarc in the UK is set to source all its electricity from renewable energy following the successful commissioning of a local Anaerobic Digestion plant.
Abril 16, 2012

Canada has saltiest fries, sandwiches and salads, study finds

French fries sold at major fast-food chains in Canada contain more than double the amount of salt of those sold at U.S. locations, according to a new international study
Abril 16, 2012

HZPC wordt 100% eigenaar van HZPC-Kantaperuna AB (Finland)

Het pootaardappelbedrijf HZPC-Kantaperuna AB is gestart als een joint venture tussen twee pootaardappelbedrijven Pohjoisen Kantayhtiö uit Finland (60%) en HZPC uit Nederland (40%). Onlangs heeft HZPC de resterende 60% van de aandelen van Kantaperuna ov...
Abril 15, 2012

Belgie wordt grootste exporteur aardappelprodukten

België heeft Nederland als grootste aardappelexporteur van de troon gestoten. Van de Belgische akkers is vorig jaar 3,2 miljard kilo aan verse aardappelen verwerkt tot friet, rösti, puree en diepvriesproducten.
Abril 15, 2012

Satiety and vegetables: shape matters, shows Australian study

A new study investigating the role that vegetables can play in making you ‘feel full’, a sensation known as satiety, has produced findings that show maximal satiety benefit is achieved with larger ‘intact’ pieces of vegetables, in this case carrots, co...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Abril 13, 2012

Improved potato varieties ensure Peruvian communities have enough to eat

Excessive rains and the increased presence of late blight disease devastated Peru’s Cusco region in 2010, prompting the government to declare a national emergency.
Abril 13, 2012

US watchdog group pushes to get Big Macs and fries out of hospitals

A US watchdog group is demanding that the nation’s hospitals kick McDonald’s restaurants off their campuses to “to help curb the epidemic of diet-related disease and to stop fostering a food environment that promotes harm, not health.”
Abril 13, 2012

McDonalds Australia welcomes eyes on the fries

McDonald's will channel its marketing cash into activities that give Australians a look behind the golden arches in the hope they will fall back in love with the brand.
Abril 13, 2012

Romanian Consumer Protection Authority fines McDonald’s for misleading French fries TV commercial

After checking how McDonald’s french fries are produced, the Consumer Protection Authority in Romania (ANPC) recently asked the Audiovisual watchdog to take measures against McDonald’s TV commercial about its French fries for misleading advertising.
Abril 12, 2012

'Net Positive Attitudes Metric' introduced at 2012 USPB Annual Meeting

A new United States Potato Board (USPB) demand metric was introduced by President and CEO Tim O’Connor at the USPB’s 40th Annual Meeting.
Hongos provocan infección y extinción de especies
Abril 12, 2012

Hongos provocan infección y extinción de especies

La investigación, encabezada por Matthew Fisher, académico de la facultad de Salud Pública del Imperial College de Londres, y en el que también participó la Universidad de Oxford, revela que los hongos han estado presentes en 70% de los casos de extinc...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Abril 11, 2012

The FAO Food Price Index in March nearly unchanged from February

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 216 points in March 2012, virtually unchanged from 215 points in February. Among the various commodity groups, only oils prices showed strength, compensating for falling dairy quotations, while the indices of ce...
Abril 11, 2012

Potatoes New Zealand: connecting kids to food

Potatoes New Zealand is coming under the international spotlight for its groundbreaking initiatives promoting healthy eating choices to children and young people.
Abril 11, 2012

Diversifying diets to improve nutrition and incomes in Bangladesh

Working in partnership with the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC), Worldfish, and Bangladeshi partners, CIP recently launched a bold program to raise incomes and improve nutritional health through greater use of potato, sweetpotat...
 Baked Potato
Abril 10, 2012

Aroma of baked potato evokes happiness, researchers found

The smell of a baked potato can actually make us feel happier. Scientists in the UK discovered that the aromas given off during the cooking process can trigger positive memories in the brain.
McDonald's french fry testing
Abril 10, 2012

How McDonald's fries are tested

Biting into a McDonald's french fry should be like "walking on freshly fallen snow". Barbara Booth, the company's director of sensory science, was presiding over the fast-food giant's semi-annual french fry evaluation in the US - a contest a...
Abril 10, 2012

Zoete én zoute Zeeuwse aardappelen

Water genoeg in Zeeland. Zowel zout als zoet. Voor de landbouw wordt vooral het zoete water gebruikt. Aardappelveredelings­bedrijf Meijer uit Rilland onderzoekt of de aardappel ook op zilte grond kan gedijen.


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