Tendencias Alimentarias

 The Wendy's Company
Abril 26, 2012

Wendy's plans to make poutine Canada's national dish

Canada has a national sport, a national animal and two official langcodes. But does not have a national dish, until now.
Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA.
Abril 26, 2012

Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA

En esta primera temporada de evaluación, los mejores rendimientos en la variedad Puyehue-INIA se obtuvieron con una densidad de plantación de 53.000 plantas por hectárea
Abril 26, 2012

La planta de Pepsico Snack Food en Chile instala solución Siemens para la reutilización del agua

PepsiCo Chile está invirtiendo en su Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales, para promover el reúso. La meta a ser alcanzada es la de reutilizar el 70% de las aguas residuales de los procesos productivos de la planta, generando un impacto positivo a...
Abril 26, 2012

New research into the control of Alternaria in potatoes

According to independent potato specialist of Root Crop Consultancy Howard Hinds, Alternaria has become much more of an issue in UK potato crops, with severe infections being experienced in susceptible varieties such as Markies.
AVR acquired Underhaug potato planter activities from TKS group
Abril 26, 2012

AVR acquired Underhaug potato planter activities from TKS group

AVR bvba, manufacturer of agricultural machinery for potato production, recently announced that negotiations between AVR and TKS led to an agreement whereby AVR acquired the potato planter activities from Underhaug / TKS as of April 10, 2012. AVR is...
Abril 25, 2012

NRA Show exhibition space has completely sold out

The 2012 National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show has completely sold out its exhbit floor space.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
World's largest McDonalds set to open for Summer Olympics, plans to serve 9 million guests in 6 weeks
Abril 24, 2012

World's largest McDonalds set to open for Summer Olympics, plans to serve 9 million guests in 6 weeks

The biggest McDonald's restaurant in the world will open for six weeks during the London 2012 Olympic games with plans to serve more than 50,000 Big Mac burgers and 180,000 orders of french fries.
 Productores de papa en los Andes
Abril 23, 2012

Cambio climático obliga a productores de papa de los Andes a sembrar a más altura

El cambio climático está afectando negativamente a la agricultura de la papa en los Andes del Perú, de acuerdo a un estudio reciente del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). El análisis de la información producida durante 10 años por el Sistema de ...
Only 3% of calories in US diet come from potatoes and french fries
Abril 23, 2012

Only 3% of calories in US diet come from potatoes and french fries

Calorie intake from white potatoes is surprisingly modest for adults and school-aged children, according to a new study released today at the Experimental Biology 2012 Annual Meeting.
 Potato farmers in the Andes
Abril 23, 2012

Climate change moves Andes potato farmers 150 m up the mountains

Climate Change is adversely impacting potato farming in Peru’s Andes, according to recent findings at the International Potato Center (CIP). More than 10 years of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping reveal that farmers have ascended the Andes...
 Christie Mallett
Abril 23, 2012

Mister Bee Potato Chips back in business with new president

As the new president of Mister Bee Potato Chip Co., Christie Mallett plans to increase the company's presence and loyal customers. "We have a great product. We want to share the quality products with others,"Mallett said this week from Miste...
Rice University Business Plan Competition
Abril 22, 2012

Invention promising healthier processed potato products scores in Business Plan competition

A University of Idaho food scientist’s invention that could promise healthier processed potato products helped a student business plan team finish fifth among more than 1,600 worldwide entries in the Rice University Business Plan Competition.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Abril 20, 2012

CIP y socios promueven Seguridad Alimentaria y nutrición con feria de innovaciones y tecnología de papa en Ecuador

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), exponen hoy innovaciones y tecnologías que aumentan la producción y calidad de la papa en la “ I Feria de Oferta Tecnológica Disponible ...
Abril 18, 2012

Pest Pros Inc acquired by Wisconsin River Co-op

Wisconsin River Co-op recently announced that it has purchased Pest Pros Inc., an independent crop consulting firm and plant disease diagnostic laboratory located in Plainfield, Wisconsin. Pest Pros provides a range of crop management services to assi...
 World Potato Congress
Abril 17, 2012

Award-winning water specialist to speak at World Potato Congress 2012

Dr Colin Chartres, director-general of International Water Management Institute, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is to speak at World Potato Congress 2012 (WPC2012). The water management specialist, whose Institute has just won the 2012 Stockholm Water P...
Abril 17, 2012

Wendy's announces international development plans for expansion into Georgia and Azerbaijan

The Wendy’s Company recently announced an agreement with The Wissol Group to develop 25 restaurants in Georgia and the Republic of Azerbaijan over the next 10 years.
Abril 17, 2012

Interpom | Primeurs 2012: Een compleet informatie- en ontmoetingsforum

Interpom | Primeurs staat bekend als een compleet informatie- en ontmoetingsforum voor de hele aardappel-, groente- en fruitbranche (AGF) in Europa, van teelt tot en met verwerking.
 Planting potatoes
Abril 17, 2012

Will US Growers Plant Too Many Potatoes in 2012?

It looks like 2012 will be a very interesting and possibly quite challenging for fresh market growers in the United States. So what should fresh growers be aware of in 2012?


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