Tendencias Alimentarias

McCain Foods GB sponsors 2014 Tour de France
Junio 15, 2014

McCain Foods GB sponsors 2014 Tour de France

McCain Foods GB will be and official supplier of Tour de France 2014, which starts with an opening stage in Yorkshire.
Avanzan estudios de variedad de papa que soporta bajas temperaturas en Perú
Junio 12, 2014

Avanzan estudios de variedad de papa que soporta bajas temperaturas en Perú

El director del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) de Ayacucho informó que se continuará trabajando en el estudio de los genes de la papa silvestre que son resistentes a las heladas para generar variedades mejoradas que resistan a los embates climatológicos.
Sporangia of P. infestans: sporangium from which a zoospore is germinating. (photo: B. G. Turgeon; Cornell University)
Junio 11, 2014

Breakthrough in understanding swarming potato blight spores

Researchers at the Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen have made a breakthrough in understanding how the microbial spores which cause potato blight are so effective at infecting plants.
Winter 2014 NY (Courtesy Yahoo News)
Junio 11, 2014

NPD: Total Q1 US Restaurant visits down, but delivery up

The downside and upside for the U.S. restaurant industry in the first quarter of 2014 was that total restaurant visits dipped but delivery and other areas got a boost, reports The NPD Group, a leading global information company.
Hillshire Brands
Junio 11, 2014

Hillshire Brands merger with Pinnacle Foods off the table after deal with Tyson Foods.

Tyson Foods has won the bidding war for Hillshire Brands against its biggest competitor in the U.S. fresh chicken meat market, Pilgrim’s Pride. The deal is contingent on Hillshire Brands terminating its proposed merger with Pinnacle Foods.
Cheese is the top dietary source of saturated fat in the US diet
Junio 11, 2014

Saturated Fat Intake May Influence a Person’s Expression of Genetic Obesity Risk

Limiting saturated fat could help people whose genetic make-up increases their chance of being obese
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
In May FAO Food Price Index fell for the second consecutive month
Junio 11, 2014

In May FAO Food Price Index fell for the second consecutive month

in May 2014 The FAO Food Price Index averaged 207.8 points, down 2.5 points (or 1.2 percent) from April and nearly 7 points, or 3.2 percent, below May 2013.
Alberto Salas, el "padrino" peruano que quiere salvar al mundo con la papa
Junio 10, 2014

Alberto Salas, el "padrino" peruano que quiere salvar al mundo con la papa

El agrónomo peruano de 71 años, conocido en el Centro Internacional de la Papa en Lima como 'el padrino de la papa', lleva más de medio siglo consagrado al estudio del cultivo que, asegura, ayudará a la humanidad a sobrevivir el cambio climático.
2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner
Junio 10, 2014

Justin Della Zoppa wins 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award

Riverland potato producer Justin Della Zoppa has been named the 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner.
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
Junio 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley
Junio 05, 2014

Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley

Aviko neemt een meerderheidsbelang in een fritesfabriek in het noordoosten van China, die nu Aviko - Snow Valley zal gaan heten. Het bedrijf verwacht de produktie capaciteit fors uit te breiden en een vlokkenlijn toe te voegen
Organic vs Local (courtesy UCLA)
Junio 05, 2014

One in Five North American consumers confuse Local and Organic

With more people buying local and organic food, consumers should know the difference between the two so they recognize what they’re buying, but nearly one in five still confuse the terms, a University of Florida researcher says.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Hairy Nightshade, a weed that has the potential to be problematic in potato cultivation
Mayo 28, 2014

New 'Focus on Potato' Webcasts Tackle Hairy Nightshade, Potato Tuber Moth

Hairy nightshade and potato tuberworm (or potato tuber moth) are two economically important inhibitors to potato production. Two of the latest ‘Focus on Potato’ webcasts focus on these economically important potato pests.
New PMA website
Mayo 27, 2014

Produce Marketing Association redesigns website

In response to member feedback and as part of its new strategic plan implementation, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) unveiled its redesigned website http://www.pma.com on Tuesday, May 27.
Mayo 27, 2014

Biosecurity protection a primary focus of Queensland potato forum

Potato growers attending today’s potato research and development (R&D) workshop in the Lockyer Valley in south east Queensland will hear about exotic and endemic biosecurity risks facing their businesses, and the practical steps they can take to protect themselves.
Estrella Maarud
Mayo 26, 2014

Estrella Maarud to become part of Intersnack Group

Intersnack Group GmbH & Co KG and Herkules Private Equity Fund II today announced that they have entered into an agreement where Herkules sells the salted snacks manufacturer Estrella Maarud ('Estrella Maarud' or 'the Company') to Intersnack for an undisclosed sum.
¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?
Mayo 22, 2014

¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?

Los kasajos han adaptado como suyo el tubérculo andino y hoy ocupan el noveno lugar en consumo
Cómo celebran en Perú el Día Nacional de la Papa
Mayo 22, 2014

Cómo celebran en Perú el Día Nacional de la Papa

Por una resolución del Ministerio de Agricultura se determinó que cada 30 de mayo se celebre el Día Nacional de la Papa. Conozca algunas de las actividades que vienen realizando los diferentes departamentos con motivo de su conmemoración.


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