Tecnología de la Información

INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático.
Enero 19, 2022

INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático

Los trabajos, que aportarán al Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de Papa del INIA, serán desarrollados por la investigadora de INIA Remehue, Ana María Méndez.
Why, What and How: 3 Important Questions to Examine and Improve Tillage Practices
Enero 17, 2022

Improve Tillage Practices: Important Questions to Examine

Tillage gets a bad reputation. The truth is, no single method of tillage practice is 'bad', as long as it is done mindfully, timely, and with purpose. Look for precision agriculture solutions and the right equipment to meet your tillage goals
The most advanced laboratory that can measure the quality of potatoes - Potato Lab
Enero 17, 2022

Virtual tour of Iraqi Potato Chips company BEPPCO's Potato Lab

BEPPCO, the Iraq-based potato chips manufacturer and exporter, is always striving to produce the best quality of products. This is achieved with the help of proper assessment of potato quality at the early stages of production
Enero 12, 2022

Uso de drones para la selección de batatas tolerantes a la sequía

Las sequías han planteado durante mucho tiempo una amenaza para los agricultores del sur de África, y los modelos predicen que cada vez serán más frecuentes, impredecibles e intensas con el avance del calentamiento global.
The Use of Drones in Agriculture
Enero 11, 2022

Drones in Agriculture: How agriculture drones are changing how farmers work

Agriculture drones can be used to do anything from precision agriculture, to efficiently dispersing weed control or fertilizers, to optimizing field management. Drone manufacturer DJI shares its insights.
AgroScout Acquires the Assets of TerrAvion to Broaden its Imagery Data Management for Agriculture
Enero 10, 2022

AgroScout Acquires the Assets of TerrAvion to Broaden its Imagery Data Management for Agriculture

AgroScout, the agro analytics platform has announced that it acquired the assets of TerrAvion, a market leader in imagery data management for agriculture.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Aquantis Moisture sense: Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible
Enero 09, 2022

Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible

Dry matter is a key quality parameter for French fries and other potato-based food products. Aquantis now offers inline measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing.
Simplot's outlook: 4 Operational Trends for Restaurants in 2022
Enero 08, 2022

Simplot's outlook: 4 Operational Trends for Restaurants in 2022

Potato Processor Simplot looks ahead at 2022. What should restaurant operators expect? An experts view on the supply chain crisis, labor shortages, new technology and restaurants’ innovative solutions.
New Omnia Carbon Cost of Production tool launched
Enero 07, 2022

Omnia introduces tool to estimate carbon footprint of agricultural production

It’s clearly understood that improved farm productivity is good for business and more recently, for carbon footprint. But the challenge has always been how to measure the cost of producing a particular crop with regards to carbon.
Diciembre 22, 2021

Un extractor de CO₂ suscita interés en un evento dedicado a la patata

Con un premio a la innovación en su haber un nuevo experto técnico en plantilla, el desarrollador de inhibidores de germinación Restrain fue un participante popular del 2021 British Potato Industry Eventte.
Diciembre 15, 2021

Kiremko e Insort anuncian una asociación estratégica global a largo plazo

Kiremko, un fabricante líder de líneas de procesamiento de papa, e Insort GmbH, mundialmente conocida por sus soluciones altamente innovadoras para clasificación, monitoreo de calidad y control de procesos, han entrado en una asociación estratégica global a largo plazo.
Por fin una cámara para medir la germinación de las patatas
Diciembre 08, 2021

Por fin una cámara para medir la germinación de las patatas

Eurocelp, en colaboración con Arvalis, innova en el mercado de la patata.
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Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
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Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

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TOMRA Food to demonstrate standard-setting potato sorting machine at BP2021
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TOMRA Food to demonstrate standard-setting potato sorting machine at BP2021

TOMRA Food, the leading manufacturer of sensor-based sorting machines for the food industry, has announced that it will run machine demonstrations at BP2021, the UK-based potato industry event, later this month.
Desarrollan una herramienta para el control del tizón tardío.
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Desarrollan en Argentina una herramienta para el control del tizón tardío de la papa.

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Dewulf launches state-of-the-art online configurator for its potato harvesters.
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Configure your new Dewulf potato harvester online!

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Patatas Meléndez elige a Wyma para crear la mejor instalación de patatas del sector

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Miso Robotics Announces Flippy 2 Next Generation Flagship Product
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