
PepsiCo Announces Net Water Positive Commitment
Agosto 17, 2021

PepsiCo Announces Net Water Positive Commitment

PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) announced its ambition to become "Net Water Positive" by 2030, aiming to replenish more water than the company uses.
The company Hegra is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.
Agosto 17, 2021

Chemical fertilizer with a zero carbon footprint one step closer with the launch of HEGRA

The company HEGRA is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.The company aims to electrify and decarbonize the ammonia plant at Herøya.
Lamb Weston Meijer: Expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen - the Netherlands
Julio 28, 2021

Lamb Weston Meijer expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen, The Netherlands

Lamb Weston / Meijer (LW/M) announced plans to build a new french fry plant, expanding its existing production facility in Kruiningen, the Netherlands.
Patatas Meléndez: 'Arranca la campaña de patatas en Castilla y León con un ligero descenso en los rendimientos'.
Julio 22, 2021

Patatas Meléndez: 'Arranca la campaña de patatas en Castilla y León con un ligero descenso en los rendimientos'

La semana pasada empezaron los primeros arranques puntuales de patatas en Castilla y León y esta semana la cosecha de las primeras variedades de la región ha comenzado a acelerarse.
Comienza la campaña 2021 de La Chulapona, una patata nueva de temporada Km 0.
Julio 12, 2021

Comienza la campaña 2021 de La Chulapona, una patata nueva de temporada Km 0

Desde Frusangar nos complace anunciaros el comienzo de comercialización de patatas La Chulapona, un producto exclusivo de la región de Madrid.
Julio 08, 2021

República Dominicana: PepsiCo invierte más de USD 30 millones con la ampliación de la Planta Caribe

La empresa dice que con la expansión, PepsiCo contribuye a la reactivación económica República Dominicana al comprar más papa local a agricultores dominicanos.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 28, 2021

After 15 years, Nele Cattoor bids farewell to Belgian fresh produce sector

Last week, after 15 years, Nele Cattoor left the Belgian fruit and vegetable sector. She's taking on a new challenge. Nele was the Belgian Vegetable Processing Sector Union, Vegebe's general secretary.
Patatas Meléndez entra a formar parte del Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas.
Junio 25, 2021

Patatas Meléndez entra a formar parte del Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas

Patatas Meléndez ha entrado a formar parte del Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas, la mayor iniciativa voluntaria de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y desarrollo sostenible del mundo, orientada a la generación de valor compartido.
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe
Junio 22, 2021

Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

Wageningen University & Research has conducted research into the resilience of the agricultural sector. How do farmers keep in step with their environment? Examples include the changing weather conditions, climate change and government policy.
Impact of sustainability agenda of potato processor McCain Foods in India
Junio 21, 2021

Impact of sustainability agenda McCain Foods in India

In line with the Global Sustainability Strategy and Commitments, McCain released its Global Sustainability Report with a focus on India, for the first time, to track progress across its sustainability pillars for the year 2020.
FAO Conference, 42nd Session - Closing of the Conference.
Junio 21, 2021

FAO Conference endorses new Strategic Framework to drive agri-food systems transformation

Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today endorsed the new Strategic Framework that will drive the Organization's efforts to transform agri-food systems and address hunger, poverty, and inequality over the next decade.
Lamb Weston Announces New 2030 ESG Goals.
Junio 16, 2021

Potato processor Lamb Weston updates its sustainability targets in its second ESG report

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. - manufacturer of frozen french fries and potato specialties - issued its second annual Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) report today, which included new 2030 ESG goals.
Contenido Patrocinado

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McCain Foods Commitment will Help Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C
Junio 13, 2021

McCain Foods Commitment will Help Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C

McCain Foods' commitment to cut in half greenhouse gas emissions across all of its global operations by the end of the decade has been verified to align with efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Global Sustainability Report Sets McCain on Path to a Greener Future
Junio 07, 2021

McCain Foods commits to regenerative agricultural practices for all its potatoes by 2030

As part of today’s release of McCain’s 2020 Global Sustainability report Together, Towards Planet-Friendly Food, the company is pledging that it will be implementing regenerative agricultural practices across 100 per cent of its potato acreage by 2030.
How sustainable are the potato growers of Royal Avebe? FSA awards Gold status...
Junio 05, 2021

How sustainable are the potato growers of Royal Avebe? FSA awards Gold status...

The potato growers of Royal Avebe participating in the Optimeel growing programme have been awarded Gold status according to the FSA 2.1 standard of the global platform SAI for sustainable agriculture.
UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology.
Junio 02, 2021

UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology

British carbon capture and utilization company CCm Technologies has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop new modular Carbon Capture and Sequestration units.
Mayo 26, 2021

Reconnecting the potato chain: Interpom 2021 is a go!

We can now confirm that INTERPOM will go ahead! From 28 to 30 November 2021, the global potato sector will be able to gather in Kortrijk Xpo, as it used to do in the past.
Mayo 24, 2021

Así es la vajilla biodegradable hecha con cáscara de papa

Oda Biovajilla es una vajilla biodegradable descartable diseñada a partir de la cáscara de papa y otros descartes orgánicos. Esta innovadora iniciativa, consiste en crear platos a partir de los desperdicios de la industria gastronómica.


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