Salud y Nutrición

The effect of population growth on efficiency in food production
Agosto 23, 2016

The effect of population growth on efficiency in food production

The global population has been expanding rapidly for many years, standing at around 7.3 billion in 2016. This brings with it a number of challenges around global sustainability, including the need for more food.
How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)
Agosto 23, 2016

How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)

During the Potatoes USA Summer Meeting held in Seattle August 10, it was announced that the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) has been restructured in an effort to minimize overhead costs and expand research on potato nutrition.
FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades
Agosto 17, 2016

FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades

Los vertidos de petróleo atraen la atención de la opinión pública y generan preocupación, pero los "vertidos biológicos" suponen una amenaza mayor a largo plazo y no tienen tanta repercusión.
Good Health® Launches Organic Black Bean & Rice Tortilla Chips
Agosto 17, 2016

Good Health Launches Organic Black Bean & Rice Tortilla Chips

Good Health, a creator of better-for-you savory snacks, today announced the launch of Organic Black Bean & Rice Tortillas, the first tortilla chips to join the brand’s portfolio of savory snacks.
Potato fertilization with (Fe) nanoparticles may benefit cultivation and increase nutritional value
Julio 25, 2016

Potato fertilization with (Fe) nanoparticles may benefit cultivation and increase nutritional value

Work to make potatoes more nutritious by including nanoparticles in the fertilizer formulation is proving promising, according to the AHDB-funded researcher Karen Davies
Snack Company Good Health launches two new Better-for-you Pretzel variations
Julio 21, 2016

Snack Company Good Health launches two new Better-for-you Pretzel variations

Snack company Good Health® has launched two new savory snack varieties: Veggie Pretzels and Gluten Free Pretzels
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Cross out Contamination
Julio 18, 2016

Cross out Contamination

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600 million people – almost 10 per cent of the global population – fall ill after eating contaminated food.
Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels Production Goes Peanut-Free
Julio 18, 2016

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels Production Goes Peanut-Free

Snyder's of Hanover has transitioned its main pretzel bakery in Hanover, Pennsylvania, to a peanut-free production facility to accommodate consumer demand for snacks free of the allergen.
Pass the Potato Salad this summer
Julio 12, 2016

Pass the Potato Salad this summer

There is good news for potato salad lovers just as the season for chilled potatoes officially heats up. New research published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry adds to the growing body of evidence that shows that cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch (RS).
USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan
Julio 07, 2016

USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan

The Aravan Agro Service in Kyrgyzstan more than doubled its potato yield and profits in 2016 by partnering with the United States through the USAID Agro Horizon project.
Colombia: Llevan al departamento del Meta papas criollas más nutritivas y rentables
Julio 06, 2016

Colombia: Llevan al departamento del Meta papas criollas más nutritivas y rentables

El consumo de tres variedades de papa criolla mejoradas genéticamente por investigadores de las universidades Nacional de Colombia y McGill de Canadá muestran positivos resultados para disminuir la desnutrición infantil.
Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A
Junio 28, 2016

Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A

Tres científicos del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) son los ganadores del premio World Food Prize del 2016, equivalente al Premio Nobel de los Alimentos y la Agricultura, como reconocimiento a su éxito conjunto en mejorar la nutrición y salud a través del uso de cultivos biofortificados.
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GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider
Junio 25, 2016

GMO Labeling Compromise ready for US Senate to consider

A landmark Senate agreement on national disclosure standards for genetically engineered foods would allow companies to disclose GMO ingredients through digital codes rather than on-package langcode or symbols.
Papas criollas colombianas para combatir el hambre
Junio 24, 2016

Papas criollas colombianas para combatir el hambre

Las nuevas papas tienen más proteínas, hierro y zinc. También son más resistentes a enfermedades.
Washington Potato Company fined $213,160 for repeating workplace safety violations
Junio 20, 2016

Washington Potato Company fined $213,160 for repeating workplace safety violations

Repeated serious safety violations have resulted in a serious workplace injury and in a large fine for the Washington Potato Company, a potato processing company in Warden, Washington.
Fire at Olde York Potato Chip Plant.
Junio 18, 2016

Fire at Olde York Potato Chip Plant

A fire broke out at the Olde York Potato Chips plant in Brampton, Ontario early Friday morning (June 17).
[VIDEO] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa
Junio 10, 2016

[Video] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa

El proyecto “Producción competitiva de papa en los distritos de la Encañada, Huasmin y Sorochuco”, se inició hace cinco años con el propósito de revalorar, rescatar, promocionar y difundir las bondades de las papas cajamarquinas. Acaba de clausurarse oficialmente.
Junio 04, 2016

[Video] Provincia china alivia la pobreza gracias a la papa

Reportaje de la agencia china de noticias CCTV que muestra cómo el gobierno de la provincia de Xiji estimula el cultivo de la papa como una estrategia para aliviar la pobreza de sus habitantes.


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