Salud y Nutrición

Enero 07, 2008

Britanicos sucumben a la comida basura, McDonald's bate records de ventas

El gigante estadounidense de comida rápida McDonald's rompió en 2007 el récord de ventas de hamburguesas en el Gran Bretaña en los 34 años que lleva implantado en las islas, lo que significa que la comida basura gana terreno en la dieta de los británi...
 UK and US 'keenest on fast food'
Enero 02, 2008

United Kingdom and United States 'keenest on fast food'

The UK is the country most attached to fast food, closely followed by the United States, a survey has suggested.A poll of 9,000 people in 13 nations, alongside a BBC investigation into global obesity, found vast variations in attitudes towards food and...
Enero 01, 2008

Junk food ad ban comes into force in the UK

Britain introduced a ban on advertising junk food to under-16s Tuesday, aimed at promoting healthy eating and countering growing child obesity. The ban, which extends measures already in place for under-10s, will curb television adverts for food and ...
Diciembre 14, 2007

FSA: trans fat ban in the UK not needed

A New York-style ban on trans fats in food is not needed in the UK because consumption rates are already very low, the official food watchdog has said. The Food Standards Agency's (FSA) Board ruled out mandatory restrictions after reviewing evidence ...
Diciembre 04, 2007

Cancer Research UK reassures women over acrylamide/cancer link

Cancer Research UK moved to reassure women over a study suggesting that a common chemical caused by frying, roasting or grilling may be linked to ovarian and womb cancer. The charity said that women should not be overly concerned as the study is the ...
Noviembre 07, 2007

Study firmly links Obesity and Cancer

One of the largest medical studies ever undertaken has confirmed what many public health officials already feared: Being overweight can give you cancer.It is already established that excess body fat is an important cause of diabetes, heart disease, st...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Octubre 19, 2007

UK fast food peppered with salt

A probe into the culinary offerings of the UK's favourite fast food restaurants has found "shockingly high levels of salt in some family, individual, and children's meal options", which in many cases could result in kids receiving well over ...
Octubre 14, 2007

UK considering Trans fat ban

The food industry faces a government inquiry into its role in Britain’s surging obesity and heart disease rates with ministers considering a ban on trans fats as the first decisive step. The inquiry, ordered by Alan Johnson, the health secretary, fo...


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