Salud y Nutrición

 Papas a la francesa
Abril 20, 2011

Las papas a la francesa ya no son el plato fuerte de los restaurantes de comida rápida

La introducción de los menús de dólar, los efectos de la recesión y el final de las porciones gigantes han hecho mella en el consumo de papa a la francesa en los restaurantes. En los Estados Unidos, las ventas de papa congelada procesada a los restaur...
Abril 17, 2011

Illinois takes step toward banning trans fats

Illinois restaurants may soon have to find a way to cut artificial trans fats from French fries, onion rings, popcorn shrimp, pies, cakes and fried chicken.
 Potato farmers in Peru (International Potato Center)
Abril 14, 2011

Resistant potato varieties make the difference between having enough to eat or not

Excessive rains and an increased presence of late blight disease devastated the Cusco region of Peru in January-February 2010, which was declared a national emergency area.
 Potato Nutrition
Abril 12, 2011

Potato Consumption in Children's Meals Leads to Higher Overall Diet Quality

Research to be presented this week at The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference in Washington, D.C., demonstrates that consumption of white potatoes (non-fried) by children does not displace other vegetables from children's meals.
Abril 12, 2011

Technomic finds lower calorie items gaining momentum on restaurant menus

As America ramps up its fight against bulging waist lines, restaurant chains are providing ammunition in the form of great-tasting menu items with 550 or fewer calories.
United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!
Abril 11, 2011

United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!

Every year in January, the United States Potato Board (USPB) commissions a national online survey of 1,000+ US female primary food shoppers to track current potato attitudes and use in US households, and especially among our media target market.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 USDA Organic logo
Abril 11, 2011

Potato Chips labeled organic taste better

Abril 07, 2011

New York State Restaurant Association (NYSRA) speaks on proposed New York City toy ban

New York's City Council announced its proposal to outlaw toys and other incentives from meals that don't meet extensive nutrition requirements
Abril 07, 2011

New York City lawmaker proposes fast-food toy ban

A New York City lawmaker has proposed a bill that would ban fast-food restaurant gimmicks that include children's toys, like the McDonald's Happy Meal, unless the meal meets certain nutritional standards.
Washington Potato Company fined $99.000 after worker hurt
Abril 07, 2011

Washington Potato Company fined $99.000 after worker hurt

This week, the Washington Department of Labor and Industries investigation cited Washington Potato Company for 12 serious safety violations and three repeat serious violations with a $99,000 penalty.
 Food and Drug Administration
Abril 05, 2011

What the FDA menu-labeling regulations really mean

So you don’t quite feel up to struggling through all 183 pages of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s proposed menu-labeling regulation?
 Pringles extreme
Abril 05, 2011

New owner of Pringles needs to bring brand into 21st century

USA Today offers a view of the consumer perception of the brand Pringles, just sold by Procter and Gamble to Diamond foods for 1,5 billion: Pringles is broken, but fixable.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Food and Drug Administration
Abril 04, 2011

FDA proposes draft menu and vending machine labeling requirements, invites comments

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued two proposed regulations regarding calorie labeling on menus and menu boards in chain restaurants, retail food establishments, and vending machines.
 Snaxpo 2011
Marzo 27, 2011

SNAXPO visitors hear about the state of the snack food industry

More than 1100 snack food executives and suppliers from 38 countries are on hand at SNAXPO 2011 in Orlando, where they are gaining insight and knowledge at educational sessions as well as from trade show exhibitors and their counterparts from across t...
 Food and Drug Administration
Marzo 24, 2011

FDA delays menu labeling rule

As members of the restaurant industry eagerly await federal menu-labeling guidelines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the complexity of the issue is delaying the promulgation of the regulations.
 NPD Group
Marzo 22, 2011

French Fries orders may suffer from Calorie Counts on Menus

As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) readies to submit its proposed regulations for the federal menu labeling law by the March 23, 2011 deadline, the lingering question is how will U.S. consumers react to seeing calories on menus?
 Phil Lempert Supermarketguru
Marzo 21, 2011

Supermarketguru: Salty Snacks Satisfy in Many Ways

Salty snack eaters craving change have much innovation to celebrate in the salty snack aisle.
 Tim O'Connor
Marzo 16, 2011

US consumer attitude towards potatoes back to pre-Atkins levels

Tim O'Connor, United States Potato Board president and CEO, discusses the good news about consumer attitudes and potato consumption at the USPB's annual meeting.


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