Publicación de las Calorías

Diciembre 31, 2008

Seattle Fast-food chains must now post fat, calories

As of Jan. 1 2009 more than 1,500 fast-food and chain restaurants throughout Seattle and King County will be required to post on their menu boards or some other "easily readable"sign how many calories, milligrams of sodium and grams of satura...
Octubre 02, 2008

Restaurantes de California pronto comenzarán a anunciar calorias

California se convirtió el martes en el primer estado estadounidense que exigirá que las cadenas de comida rápida anuncien las calorías en su menú. El estado estima que sus residentes colectivamente han aumentado 165 millones de kilos en la última déc...
Octubre 01, 2008

YUM! Brands Announced U.S. Divisions Will Place Calories on All Company Restaurant Menu Boards

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) today announced that its U.S. divisions, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver’s and A&W All-American Food, will become the first national restaurant chains to begin voluntarily placing product ...
 California first US state to require fast food chains to list calories
Septiembre 30, 2008

Californian Restaurants to list calories on Menu

California on Tuesday became the first U.S. state to require fast-food restaurant chains to list calories on their menus.The state estimates that residents collectively have gained 360 million pounds (165 million kg) in the last decade, and it sees the...
Septiembre 04, 2008

Menu labeling is a hit with New Yorkers, survey finds

Nearly nine out of 10 New Yorkers favor their city’s menu-labeling mandate because they believe it helps them make better choices when dining out, according to a survey conducted last week by Technomic Inc. The Chicago-based foodservice research firm s...
Septiembre 11, 2007

California Legislature Passes Menu Labeling Bill for fast food restaurants

Last night the California Assembly passed a bill requiring calories on fast-food menu boards and additional nutrition information on chain-restaurants’ printed menus. Later today, the state’s Senate will consider separate legislation that would requir...
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