Variedades de Patata

Enero 12, 2022

Uso de drones para la selección de batatas tolerantes a la sequía

Las sequías han planteado durante mucho tiempo una amenaza para los agricultores del sur de África, y los modelos predicen que cada vez serán más frecuentes, impredecibles e intensas con el avance del calentamiento global.
First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential
Octubre 16, 2020

First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential

A first pilot using True Potato Seed (TPS) in Angonia District, Tete province in Mozambique, conducted by Solidaridad and Solynta shows great potential to drastically improve and innovate potato production in Mozambique.
Agosto 26, 2011

New potato varieties to improve livelihoods and incomes in Mozambique

“The timely availability of seed of well-adapted varieties will enhance the sustainability and economics of potato production in Mozambique,” notes CIP’s Maria Andrade, breeder and seed system specialist. Mozambique released seven new potato varieties...


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