Variedades de Patata

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever
Enero 16, 2020

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever

Last December, Agrico held its annual central members' meeting. The annual figures 2018/2019 were discussed in this well-attended meeting.
Enero 13, 2020

Concesión de una nueva patente estadounidense para el desarrollo de Semillas Híbridas de Auténtica Patata

Solynta anunció hoy la concesión de la patente estadounidense número 10.524.436 titulada 'Hybrid Potato Breeding'. La patente reivindica los métodos de Solynta para producir híbridos de patata que se propagan a partir de la auténtica semilla.
QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth
Diciembre 20, 2019

Potato company QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth

AH Worth CEO Duncan Worth speaks to Ed Leahy about his company’s rebranding as it sheds its old name, QV Foods
Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'
Diciembre 19, 2019

Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'

A principios de este mes de diciembre, ya es posible consumir patatas con la certificación Demain la Terre. Pomliberty se unió a la asociación Demain la Terre como miembro en 2017.
Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid
Diciembre 09, 2019

Patatas Meléndez inaugura un puesto propio en Mercamadrid

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en producción de patata fresca en España, ha inaugurado hoy su presencia en el mercado central de Frutas y Hortalizas en Mercamadrid, con un puesto situados en la nave E del mercado mayorista de la capital.
Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata
Diciembre 02, 2019

Nuevos hábitos de consumo en España revolucionan el sector de la patata

Los nuevos hábitos de consumo están brindando al sector de la patata inéditas oportunidades para poner en valor este producto, que a pesar de ser considerado un básico en la cesta de la compra, puede todavía reinventarse.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on last stock trading day
Noviembre 19, 2019

HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on recent stock trading day

The value of the shares in HZPC Holding B.V., the world market leader in potato breeding, has been fixed at €145.80 during the recent stock trading day. This means the value of the certificate has once again decreased by the maximum (10%) that is allowed.
Agrico shows its professionalism during the variety exhibition
Noviembre 14, 2019

Dutch cooperative Agrico highlights 'professionalism' during their show of new potato varieties

On 7 and 8 November, Agrico held its annual variety show at its research station in Bant. During this show, the cooperative presented its new, innovative varieties and inspired visitors to work together to maximise professionalism in the chain.
La comarca de A Limia recoge más de cien millones de kilos de patatas, de los que diez están amparados
Noviembre 11, 2019

La comarca de A Limia recoge más de cien millones de kilos de patatas, de los que diez están amparados

El Consello Regulador, a la espera de que Bruselas incluya la Agria y la Fina para doblar la producción.
Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo
Noviembre 11, 2019

Patatas Meléndez creará 50 empleos en Medina del Campo

Meléndez invertirá 15 millones en ampliar en 21.000 metros su fábrica de Medina del Campo con la creación de 50 empleos.
Plantera: 'The fact that there are still varieties that are being trialled is an indication that there certainly is a demand.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Plantera: 'The fact that there are still varieties that are being trialled is an indication that there certainly is a demand.'

Jeroen van Soesbergen, Plantera, Marknesse: 'The fact that there are still varieties that are being trialled is an indication that there certainly is a demand.'
Agroplant: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two varieties for processing.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Agroplant: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two potato varieties for processing.'

Jeroen Kuin, Agroplant, Medemblik: 'No customer wants to depend on only one or two varieties for processing.'
Contenido Patrocinado

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C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Octubre 29, 2019

C. Meijer BV: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'

Willem in 't Anker, C. Meijer BV, Rilland: 'There's a constant need for new potato varieties, also for French fries.'
Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Norika/Binst: 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'

Tigran Richter, Norika/Binst, Sanitz (D): 'For every interesting potato variety that performs better than what we already have, there's a chance in the market.'
Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Breeding Company Kooi: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'

Rindert Dankert, Breeding Company Kooi, Leeuwarden: 'In order to increase a possible success, we focus mainly on the early segment.'
Germicopa: 'Give us yellow-flesh French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'
Octubre 29, 2019

Germicopa: 'Give us yellow-flesh French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'

Harry van de Vijver, Germicopa, Quimper (F): 'Give us yellow-fleshed French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'
Danespo Holland: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Danespo Holland: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'

Peter van Eerdt, Danespo Holland, Berltsum: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'
Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
Octubre 28, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'


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