Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'
Octubre 26, 2019

HZPC research: 'Marker-assisted classical potato breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.'

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: ‘Marker-assisted classical breeding is going to change a lot in the range of varieties over the coming ten to fifteen years.’
IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'
Octubre 26, 2019

IPM: 'We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.'

Colm McDonnell, IPM, Deinum: ‘We feel an obligation to produce varieties that can be grown in an environmentally friendly way.’
Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a [potato] variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Agrico Research: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a potato variety as a raw material, things move fast.'

Sjefke Allefs, Agrico Research, Bant: 'As soon as a French-fry manufacturer accepts a variety as a raw material, things move fast.'
Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Stet Holland: 'The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.'

Jaap Brondijk, Stet Holland, Emmeloord: ’The point is to achieve significant improvements and not to have more of the same.’
Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
Octubre 26, 2019

Den Hartigh: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'

Jacob Eising, Den Hartigh, Emmeloord: 'For growers, it's important to offer harvest and quality assurance.'
GPS Potato Breeders: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
Octubre 26, 2019

GPS Potato Breeders: 'As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.'

David Murdie, Potato Manager at GPS Potato Breeders, Angus: ‘As Scottish growers, we focus mainly on the home market.’
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Contenido Patrocinado
Schaap-Holland BV: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'
Octubre 24, 2019

Schaap-Holland BV: 'There's always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it's a 2.0 or 3.0 version.'

Dirk Stellingwerf, Schaap-Holland BV, Biddinghuizen: ‘There’s always room for new French-fry varieties, as long as it’s a 2.0 or 3.0 version of existing ones. The demand for this is growing especially now...'
Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam
Octubre 16, 2019

Los exportadores de patatas tendrán un gran problema si sigue adelante la prohibición del clorprofam

La prohibición de la UE del uso del antigerminativo clorprofam es desastrosa para los exportadores holandeses de patatas, según comenta Teun Paarlberg, de la exportadora holandesa G. Sevenhuysen VOF.
Complex potato genome further unveiled
Septiembre 21, 2019

Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
Avebe potato harvesting season starts
Agosto 29, 2019

Avebe potato harvesting season starts

Following an unpredictable cultivation season, the Avebe production locations have now started up again. The first potatoes are ready to be delivered at the locations in Gasselternijveen (NL) and Dallmin (Germany).
HZPC launches brand update
Agosto 27, 2019

Potato company HZPC launches a brand update

HZPC is continuously growing. The global market leader in innovative breeding, seed potato trading and concept development, today launches its brand update. A big step forward, without losing sight of what has always been its core.
Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos
Agosto 15, 2019

Búsqueda mundial de alternativas al CIPC libres de residuos

A partir de 2020, la Comisión Europea prohibirá el CIPC como antigerminativo en patata, lo que plantea un desafío para muchos productores.
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Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe
Agosto 10, 2019

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has decided not to take part in the Potato Europe event in Kain, Belgium, this year, and will instead be focusing fully on the Agritechnica fair in Hanover (November) and the Agribex show in Brussels (December)
Dutch potato market a bubble that’s about to burst
Julio 26, 2019

Dutch potato market a bubble that's about to burst

According to Felix Molenaar of the eponymous potato company from Haarlem, the Netherlands, the table potato market is very calm.
Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'
Julio 18, 2019

Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'

Según Felix Molenaar, de la empresa homónima de la localidad holandesa de Haarlem, el mercado de la patata de mesa se encuentra bastante tranquilo.
Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust
Mayo 24, 2019

Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust

Dutch family-run potato company Schaap Holland B.V. acquired 5% of the Brussels-based Breeders Trust shares. Breeders Trust supports its shareholders in issues relating to compliance with and enforcement of plant breeder’s rights.
Mayo 17, 2019

Es muy inusual que no hayan Patatas de mesa en el Mercado Europeo a principios de Mayo

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Mayo 11, 2019

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe concludes a notable campaign

At the end of April, the last potatoes were delivered to Avebe in Gasselternijveen. Extreme drought and warm weather resulted in an exceptional potato campaign.


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