Cosechadores de Papas

Preparation for Potato Europe 2018 well underway
Mayo 16, 2018

Preparation for Potato Europe 2018 well underway

Preparations for this year's PotatoEurope exhibition are progressing well, with planting now complete at the event venue, Rittergut Bockerode farm, near Hanover in Germany
Equipment manufacturer Grimme inaugurated its new factory in Tjanjin, China
Mayo 10, 2018

Agricultural Equipment Manufacturer Grimme inaugurated its new plant in China

German manufacturer of agricultural machinery Grimme opened a new plant in China, initially focused on equipment for potato cultivation
Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries
Marzo 28, 2018

Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries

By analysing potato production data, information systems specialist Professor Wolfgang Maaß and his team want to help farmers and food companies identify potential benefits and optimize their processes.
Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Dewulf inaugurates Logistics Center
Marzo 21, 2018

Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Dewulf inaugurates Logistics Center

Dewulf, full-line supplier of potato and root crop equipment, has officially inaugurated its new logistics
centre (SLC) at its headquarters in Roeselare, Belgium
GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions
Diciembre 05, 2017

GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions

GRIMME Group has joined forces with TOMRA, the global leader in food sorting solutions. The partnership will result in the industry-leading TOMRA FPS (Field Potato Sorter) being integrated into C to create the GRIMME PowerCombi solution.
Dewulf~Miedema will continue under the name Dewulf
Octubre 30, 2017

Dewulf~Miedema will continue using the company name Dewulf

Dewulf~Miedema - supplier of a complete line of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops - has selected Dewulf as its new official company name.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Back to Basics with the latest AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester
Octubre 03, 2017

AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester debut at Agritechnica

During the Agritechnica trade show, potato machine manufacturer AVR will launch its latest 2-row potato harvester: the AVR Spirit 5200.
It's Potato Harvest Time in Prince Edward Island!
Septiembre 29, 2017

It's Potato Harvest Time in Prince Edward Island!

Harvest time has arrived for Prince Edward Island potato farmers! It’s a busy and exciting time of year, when farmers put in long hours to harvest their crop after working hard throughout the growing season to nurture and protect their world famous PEI Potatoes.
Potato Expo 2018 will feature live streaming Potato TV 'The Eye'
Septiembre 23, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 goes live with streaming potato TV 'The Eye'.

Potato Expo 2018 announces live streaming Potato TV throughout the event. Voting for the presentations on the Innovation Hub 'Main Stage' is now open.
Potato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors on Thursday, despite the weather.
Septiembre 15, 2017

Potato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors on Thursday, despite the weather.

Despite the cancellation of the first day of Potato Europe (Wednesday) and the less then perfect weather on Thursday, the 270 exhibitors were able to welcome around 10,000 visitors, just on the Thursday
Dewulf introduces Torro, its new offset harvester with bunker at Potato Europe
Septiembre 13, 2017

And here it is! The Dewulf Torro offset harvester with bunker at Potato Europe

Dewulf now unveils Torro, its long-awaited trailed 2-row sieving potato harvester with haulm conveyor, flat hedgehog units and bunker.
PotatoEurope canceled for Wednesday 13 September! Trade show open Thursday.
Septiembre 12, 2017

PotatoEurope canceled for Wednesday 13 September! Trade show open Thursday.

In consultation with the municipality of Noordoostpolder all activities of PotatoEurope 2017 are cancelled for Wednesday 13 September, due to the expected weather conditions.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Dewulf~Miedema unveils the Torro 3-row trailed sieving harvester at Potato Europe ’17
Septiembre 08, 2017

Dewulf~Miedema unveils the Torro 2-row trailed sieving harvester at Potato Europe 2017

Dewulf-Miedema presents an impressive number of machines at Potato Europe. Much of the equipment can be seen in action during numerous demonstrations of harvesting and storage technology. But the the main eye-catcher will be the unveiling of Torro!
Potato Farmers reminded to consider safety during the potato harvesting season
Septiembre 07, 2017

Potato Farmers reminded to consider safety during the potato harvesting season

Potato Farmers are reminded to consider safety during harvest, since incidents during the potato harvesting season remain a common cause of serious and fatal injury.
Agricultural Equipment Market predicted to grow at CAGR 6.5% to 2024: EstiCast
Agosto 28, 2017

Agricultural Equipment Market predicted to grow at CAGR 6.5% to 2024: EstiCast

Indian Market Research firm Esticast Research and Consulting has prepared a Global Agriculture Equipment Market Overview, predicting this market to grow to USD 279.5 billion in 2024, growing at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2017 to 2024.
Potato Europe 2017 in Emmeloord, The Netherlands, coming up in three weeks
Agosto 21, 2017

Potato Europe 2017 in Emmeloord, The Netherlands, coming up in three weeks

In three weeks PotatoEurope 2017 opens its doors. Over 265 exhibitors (+8 %) from 16 countries will share their potato expertise with you in their booths and allow visitors a look in the potato chain of the future.
Dewulf is to unveil Torro - a new offset harvester with bunker - at Potato Europe 2017
Julio 30, 2017

Dewulf is to unveil Torro - a new 2-row offset harvester with bunker - at Potato Europe 2017

Dewulf has expanded its product range with a new 2-row trailed offset harvester with bunker
that has been named Torro.
Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf
Julio 21, 2017

Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf

Karel Decramer has decided to quit as the sales director for the vegetable division of Dewulf, specialist in the field of harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots.


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