Cultivo de Papas

Late blight on a potato leaf (Courtesy: Sue Boyetchko, AAFC)
Junio 08, 2015

Research: naturally-occurring bacteria may protect potatoes against late blight

A research scientist at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada has discovered that naturally-occurring bacteria in soil may offer protection against late blight (Phytophthora Infestans).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) compost study
Mayo 18, 2015

Does Healthier Soil mean increased Potato Productivity? Study started in New Brunswick

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has joined forces with McCain Foods Canada and the province’s potato growers in a major project to improve potato yields in New Brunswick by improving soil health.
Potato Planting in Prince Edward Island pushed back two weeks
Mayo 12, 2015

Potato Planting in Prince Edward Island pushed back two weeks

Potato planting season in Prince Edward Island, Canada has been pushed back by about two weeks due to the record-setting snowfall this winter and spring.
Colorado Potato Beetle insecticide resistance spreading west (Courtesy: @spudology / twitter)
Febrero 23, 2015

Colorado Potato Beetle insecticide resistance spreading west

It should come as no surprise to Prairie potato growers that Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) insecticide resistance is increasing.
Growing Organic Potatoes in PEI: Kentdale Farms
Agosto 28, 2014

Growing organic potatoes in Prince Edward Island

The red fields of Prince Edward Island are renowned for growing potatoes. Fred Dollar’s decision to grow organic potatoes is built on that reputation.
Water Use Prince Edward Island (courtesy PEI Potato Board)
Junio 15, 2014

PEI Potato Industry says high-capacity irrigation wells needed

Two of the most powerful voices in P.E.I.s billion dollar potato industry appeared before the Legislature's agriculture committee Thursday in Charlottetown.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Agosto 20, 2012 supports irrigation decisions of Canadian potato growers

New technology is being evaluated that may help potato farmers currently dealing with near-record droughts irrigate in ways that are more efficient and cost-effective than traditional methods.
Junio 20, 2012

Pest outlook for Canada’s potato-growing regions

Potato pests can vary across Canada’s potato-growing regions. Whether they are new or notorious, their reach and severity depends upon Mother Nature’s whims.
New Brunswick Potato Crop Development September 2010
Septiembre 25, 2010

New Brunswick Potato Crop Development September 2010

The following update on the New Brunswick potato crop was provided by Agriculture and Aquaculture New Brunswick on September 20:
Manitoba Potato Yields recover due to one of the warm fall seasons on record.
Diciembre 10, 2009

Manitoba Potato Yields recover due to one of the warm fall seasons on record

It's unusual to see farm equipment working in Manitoba fields in late November -- but that's exactly what happened this year. Cool, wet weather dominated Manitoba's growing season, bringing fears that most crops would see a drastic drop in yields. But...
Potato harvest slow on Prince Edward Island.
Octubre 19, 2009

Potato harvest slow on Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island potato growers are being hampered by the elements as they try to harvest the most expensive crop ever planted.Usually, harvest is half done by Oct. 15, with Oct. 31 being the typical deadline to avoid the risk of frost damage. But ...
Contenido Patrocinado

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