Cultivo de Papas

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistente al tizón tardío
Febrero 22, 2017

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

El Reglamento de la UE sobre la agricultura orgánica no permite el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM).Pero..... puede distinguirse un cultivo de papa cisgenico de un cultivo de papa que es el resultado de la producción convencional?
Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”
Diciembre 18, 2016

Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”

Jan van Luchene of Bruwier Potatoes, a Belgian company specialized in acquiring and delivering the potatoes you need offers his view of the current potato market in Belgium and Europe.
Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes
Diciembre 03, 2016

Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes

The official NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) harvest estimation has been adjusted downward to 24.551.000 tons, which is 3 % lower than last year and 3,6 % than the 5 years average.
A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme
Noviembre 23, 2016

A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, introduces the Kwatro Xtreme as a solution for growers who plant in 4 x 90 cm rows or 1800 mm beds.
Belgian potato producers are relieved
Octubre 25, 2016

Belgian potato producers are relieved as weather turns

Finally, potato growers in Belgium can relax a bit. At last the weather conditions were in their favour and they could start the harvest
AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemdag
Agosto 15, 2016

AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemodag

Agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR presents its new option on the Puma 3 during Potato Europe and the Aardappeldemodag: the All Conditions Control or in short the ACC.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Display of a wide range of potato products
Julio 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
Potato machinery manufacturer AVR bvba inaugurates its new assembly line
Junio 28, 2016

Potato machinery manufacturer AVR inaugurates its new assembly line

In early June, AVR bvba - manufacturer of agricultural machinery for a.o. the potato sector - officially opened its new production facility in the presence of Governor Carl Decaluwé, Mayor Kris Declercq and Roeselare Aldermen Marc Van Walleghem, Nathalie Muylle and Griet Coppé.
Dewulf Kwatro potato harvester undergoes a remarkable transformation
Octubre 20, 2015

Dewulf Kwatro potato harvester undergoes a remarkable transformation

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, has implemented extensive updates for 2016 on the current Kwatro self-propelled 4-row sieving harvester.
North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average
Septiembre 08, 2015

North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) expect the total potato production (excluding seed and starch potatoes) of this year' s harvest to amount to 24.5 million tonnes. This is 14.1 percent below the potato production last year and 2.9 percent below the 5-year average.
AVR Puma 3 and Spirit 9200 Varioweb demonstrated live at Potato Europe
Agosto 27, 2015

Live demonstration of AVR Puma 3 and Spirit 9200 Varioweb potato harvesters at Potato Europe

During Potato Europe, AVR will present its latest potato harvesters, the Puma 3 and the Spirit 9200 Varioweb, for the first time during live harvesting demonstrations to the general public.
Dewulf-Miedema present full line of potato cultivation machinery at Potato Europe
Agosto 20, 2015

Dewulf-Miedema present full line of potato cultivation machinery at Potato Europe

On 2 and 3 September 2015 the entire potato chain will pass the revue again during Potato Europe in Doornik, Belgium. Dewulf and Miedema will show their most recent potato cultivation technology.
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Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester
Enero 16, 2015

Heyvaert happy with Dewulf Kwatro harvester

Belgian contract farmer Heyvaert reflects on the investment in a Dewulf Kwatro self-propelled harvester for their 200 ha chicory and 200 ha potatoes operation.
Winnaars Inno Potato Award verkozen tijdens Interpom | Primeurs
Noviembre 26, 2014

Winnaars Inno Potato Award verkozen tijdens Interpom | Primeurs

Jeroen Hindryckx uit Koekelare en Condi-Plants uit Gembloux zijn tot winnaars van de tweede Inno Potato Award.gekozen tijdens de Interpom | Primeurs in Kortrijk.
AVR introduces Puma 3, its new and efficient four-row potato harvester
Octubre 07, 2014

AVR introduces Puma 3, its new and efficient four-row potato harvester

AVR introduces its new and efficient Puma 3 potato harvester
Dewulf: 20th potato harvester of the season delivered to Geert Vansteelant
Septiembre 25, 2014

Dewulf: 20th potato harvester of the season delivered to Geert Vansteelant

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, handed the key of the 20th Dewulf harvester of this season to the proud new owner, Geert Vansteelant.
Dewulf announces agreement to acquire Miedema
Septiembre 01, 2014

Dewulf announces agreement to acquire Miedema

The Dewulf group has reached a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of Miedema, the one to go to for development and production of modern technology for storage, sorting, transport and planting of potatoes.
Become a Better Driver of your Potato Harvester at “Dewulf Driver Training Days”
Julio 14, 2014

Become a Better Driver of your Potato Harvester at 'Dewulf Driver Training Days'

Dewulf implemented a complete new set of instruments for its self-propelled potato harvesters: an ideal opportunity to invite the users of these harvesters for comprehensive training.


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