Dewulf: 20th potato harvester of the season delivered to Geert Vansteelant
Dewulf: 20th potato harvester of the season delivered to Geert Vansteelant

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, handed the key of the 20th Dewulf harvester of this season to the proud new owner, Geert Vansteelant. Geert began in 1997 with contract work to harvest potatoes. Today, he still relies on the harvesting technology from Dewulf.
It is clear that Geert has the Dewulf-red in his blood. With the introduction of the new generation of the R3060, Geert was immediately impressed by the new design and the improved ergonomics. For him, the R3060 is the top of 2-row self-propelled potato harvesters. Today, the company Vansteelant has two R3060’s and two 4 row Kwatro’s in its fleet. Geert has 3 permanent drivers that are harvesting for individuals and traders. They harvest for Mydibel, Decancq, …

From left to right: Geert Vansteelant, Karel Decramer, Cindy Desmet, Matthias Dhuyvetter
Geert has seen Dewulf evolve over the years to become a world player. Not only has Dewulf introduced more innovative machines, the company has also stepped up its customer service. As a result, Geert can count on the expertise of the Dewulf service support, this season and all seasons going forward.