Cultivo de Papas

Origins of the European potato
Junio 27, 2019

Origins of the European potato

Plants collected by Darwin have helped reveal the ancestry of European potatoes.
Mayo 15, 2019

Investigación de vanguardia: las papas pueden crecer a altas temperaturas

Si hay algo que no le gusta a las plantas de papa, es el calor. Si la temperatura es muy alta, las plantas de papa producen un número significativamente menor de tubérculos o, a veces, ninguno. Los bioquímicos de la FAU ahora han descubierto la razón.
Febrero 09, 2019

La nueva variedad de patata alemana 'Lea' es adecuada tanto para la agricultura orgánica como la convencional

La obtentora y proveedora de semillas Solana GmbH & Co. KG aprovechará las próximas ferias de patata para presentar un total de tres variedades de patatas de mesa nuevas.
Grimme presents two new self-propelled potato harvesters at Potato Europe 2018
Septiembre 10, 2018

Grimme presents two new self-propelled potato harvesters at Potato Europe 2018

At this years PotatoEurope, which takes place from 12th to 13th September in Bockerode (near to Hanover, Germany) GRIMME will present two new self-propelled harvesters for the first time at an international trade show.
Dewulf to bring two new machines and several familiar favourites to Potato Europe 2018
Septiembre 04, 2018

Dewulf brings new machines and familiar favourites to Potato Europe 2018

During Potato Europe 2018, Dewulf, manufacturer of a full line of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will present familiar favourites and two new machines.
Heatwave will result in smaller potato chips, say German manufacturers
Septiembre 03, 2018

Heatwave will result in smaller potato chips, say German manufacturers

The heatwave in Germany is also affecting the harvest of potato varieties needed to make potato chips. Due to the extraordinary weather conditions, the potato chips will be smaller this year.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group
Agosto 31, 2018

Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group

The Emsland Group, a potato processor with seven production plants throughout Germany, explains the supply challenges they are faced with as a result of the extreme drought in Germany and other parts of Europe.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany
Agosto 29, 2018

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe is looking to expand its growing area in Germany. Avebe Germany account managers Ulrike Ziervogel and Hauke Warnecke explain the ambitions and how the company intends to realise them.
'Organic Potatoes Meeting Point' at PotatoEurope 2018 to showcase practical solutions for organic potato cultivation
Agosto 21, 2018

'Organic Potatoes Meeting Point' at PotatoEurope 2018 to showcase practical solutions for organic potato cultivation

Some 20 specialist exhibitors will show practical solutions for organic potato cultivation at Potato Europe 2018 exhibition – Demonstrations of mechanical weed control to feature at the event this year
German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought
Julio 27, 2018

German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought

The German Association of Fruit, Vegetables and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) expects that the potato harvest in Germany and Europe will be significantly reduced in quantity, as well as quality compared to the previous year due to the long ongoing drought and heat wave.
Number of international exhibitors at Potato Europe 2018 increasing
Julio 02, 2018

More international exhibitors signing up for Potato Europe 2018

PotatoEurope 2018, one of the top events for the international potato industry, returns to Germany on September 12 and 13.
Bayer plans closing of Monsanto Acquisition on June 7
Junio 06, 2018

Bayer plans closing of Monsanto Acquisition on June 7

Bayer plans to complete the acquisition of Monsanto on June, 7, following the receipt of all required approvals from regulatory authorities.
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Preparation for Potato Europe 2018 well underway
Mayo 16, 2018

Preparation for Potato Europe 2018 well underway

Preparations for this year's PotatoEurope exhibition are progressing well, with planting now complete at the event venue, Rittergut Bockerode farm, near Hanover in Germany
Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries
Marzo 28, 2018

Unleashing AI and Big Data on Potatoes - from Mud to French Fries

By analysing potato production data, information systems specialist Professor Wolfgang Maaß and his team want to help farmers and food companies identify potential benefits and optimize their processes.
Zasso High Voltage Electrical Haulm Killing to be demonstrated at Potato Europe 2018
Marzo 18, 2018

Zasso High Voltage Electrical Haulm Killing to be demonstrated at Potato Europe 2018

As a result of the uncertainty regarding the reapproval of the active ingredient Diquat the potato industry made an effort to identify alternative solutions for haulm desiccation. Haulm killing with high-voltage electrical current showed the greatest chances of success.
GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions
Diciembre 05, 2017

GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions

GRIMME Group has joined forces with TOMRA, the global leader in food sorting solutions. The partnership will result in the industry-leading TOMRA FPS (Field Potato Sorter) being integrated into C to create the GRIMME PowerCombi solution.
Dewulf partners with Mahindra to deliver potato planting equipment to Indian Farmers
Noviembre 14, 2017

Dewulf partners with Mahindra to bring the latest potato planting technology to Indian Farmers

Dewulf, supplier of a full line of potato and root crop machinery, announced a licencing agreement with Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (M&M Ltd), part of the USD 19 billion Mahindra Group, headquartered in Mumbai (India) for the manufacturing and marketing of potato planting equipment in India.
High Tech for Farms: Bosch moves into Agricultural Technology Market worth billions
Noviembre 13, 2017

High Tech for Farms: Bosch moves into Agricultural Technology Market worth billions

Using sensors to determine the best time for harvesting and steering automated tractors across fields, the market for agricultural technology is growing worldwide. It is also a lucrative field for Bosch. 'Bosch can do more than cars and cordless screwdrivers. We are bringing high tech to farms, opening up a market worth billions.'


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