Papas Fritas

Febrero 02, 2022

PepsiCo Europa se propone utilizar solamente plástico reciclado en todas sus Bolsas Crisp y Chips para finales de la década

PepsiCo trabajará para construir una economía circular para los envases flexibles en Europa a través del diseño, la infraestructura y dando una nueva vida a los materiales de envasado, como parte de su ambición más amplia pep+ (PepsiCo Positive).
The most advanced laboratory that can measure the quality of potatoes - Potato Lab
Enero 17, 2022

Virtual tour of Iraqi Potato Chips company BEPPCO's Potato Lab

BEPPCO, the Iraq-based potato chips manufacturer and exporter, is always striving to produce the best quality of products. This is achieved with the help of proper assessment of potato quality at the early stages of production
In India, Lay's introduces Wafer Style, the thinnest potato chip from the house of Lay's
Enero 15, 2022

Lay's introduces 'Wafer Style', the thinnest potato chip from the house of Lay's

Expanding its brand footprint in India, Lay’s, the country's favourite potato chip brand, is introducing a new flat cut chip and its thinnest range of chips ever - Lay’s Wafer Style.
Papas Vidal alcanza los noventa años en Benifaió.
Diciembre 22, 2021

Papas Vidal alcanza los noventa años en Benifaió

La empresa, integrada hoy en el Grupo Apex, recuperará la receta y la bolsa que se utilizaba en sus inicios para celebrar el aniversario
'Snacks-TEAM' by Vakuum Food uses PEF process in close cooperation with Elea
Diciembre 16, 2021

'Snacks-TEAM' by Vakuum Food uses PEF process in close cooperation with Elea

Vakuum Food GmbH & Co.KG is a snacks producer based in Neuenkirchen near Osnabrück and was founded by Martin Johanning in 2018. Martin Johanning has his roots in Sweden and has been very successful with 'Die krossen Kerle' at Johanning Snacks.
Big victory for farmers: India revokes patent for PepsiCo's Lay's potatoes.
Diciembre 09, 2021

Big victory for farmers: India revokes patent for PepsiCo's Lay's potatoes

India has revoked a patent for a potato variety grown exclusively for PepsiCo Inc's popular Lay's potato chips, according to an order issued on Friday by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights (PPVFR) Authority.
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Potato chips that do not get your fingers all powdery developed by Calbee and Tokyo Banana
Noviembre 11, 2021

Potato chips that do not get your fingers all powdery developed by Calbee and Tokyo Banana

Since the dawn of the potato chip, humanity has struggled to fully control it. Like the Sirens of Anthemoessa, they draw them in with their delicious flavors and crunchy textures
An impression of some of the products manufactured by RW Garcia. Utz Brands is to acquire the company.
Noviembre 05, 2021

United States: Utz Brands to Acquire RW Garcia

Utz Brands Inc; a leading U.S. manufacturer of branded salty snacks, announced that its subsidiaries have entered into a definitive agreement with R.W. Garcia Holdings to acquire the equity and certain real estate assets related to the operation of RW Garcia.
PepsiCo Accelerates Digitalization with Launch of Digital Hubs in North America and Europe.
Octubre 27, 2021

PepsiCo Accelerates Digitalization with Launch of Digital Hubs in North America and Europe

PepsiCo, Inc. announced the establishment of the company's first two Digital Hubs in North America and Europe, with plans to expand to more locations in the future. Hubs to centralize skills, development, and delivery of emerging digital capabilities, such as AI, machine learning...
Patatas Fritas Veracruz se une a BC Iberian Food
Octubre 25, 2021

Patatas Fritas Veracruz se une a BC Iberian Food

BC Iberian Food, grupo industrial agroalimentario, incorpora Patatas Fritas Veracruz a su portafolio de productos y marcas, dando continuidad a la ambiciosa estrategia de crecimiento constante marcada para los próximos años.
La colaboradora de televisión aumenta su propia marca, "Sabores de la Esteban", que ya tenía gazpacho y salmorejo
Octubre 25, 2021

España: "Las patatas de ensueño" de Belén Esteban

Belén Esteban, también conocida como "la princesa del pueblo", ha hecho "oídos sordos" a las críticas recibidas por su gazpacho y salmorejo, sin embargo, ambos productos se agotaron en los supermercados disponibles en cuestión de horas.
Grupo Apex adquiere el negocio de patatas fritas y snacks de Aperitivos Medina.
Octubre 18, 2021

Grupo Apex adquiere el negocio de patatas fritas y snacks de Aperitivos Medina

Grupo Apex, empresa española líder en ventas del sector de aperitivos salados, ha anunciado la compra del negocio de patatas fritas y snacks que hasta ahora desarrollaba la fabricante madrileña Aperitivos Medina.
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Ikea tiene unas patatas chips fritas con la piel que son top ventas en Suecia.
Octubre 18, 2021

Ikea tiene unas patatas chips fritas con la piel que son top ventas en Suecia

Ikea ha traído a España unas patatas fritas de bolsa que son muy solicitadas en Suecia. Son de crema agria y cebolla, pero hay algo que le hacen ser completamente diferentes a las patatas a las que estamos acostumbrados.
Nueva bolsa de patatas fritas sin plástico desde Mallorca, España.
Octubre 04, 2021

Nueva bolsa de patatas fritas sin plástico desde Mallorca, España

Marinas ha eliminado el plástico de sus envases y ofrece sus patatas fritas en bolsas 100% libres de plástico, biodegradables y de materiales compostables.
Patatas al horno, la novedad de Lay’s.
Octubre 04, 2021

Patatas al horno, la novedad de Lay’s

Lay’s lanza la nueva campaña de Lay’s Horno, una propuesta que sustituye la fritura por un proceso de horneado. El resultado es un snack con un 50% menos de grasa que las patatas tradicionales.
Upcycled sweet potato snack brand Spudsy closes USD 3.3 Million Series A Funding
Octubre 02, 2021

Upcycled sweet potato snack brand Spudsy closes USD 3.3 Million Series A Funding

Spudsy, the brand that upcycles imperfect sweet potatoes and turns them into plant-based, delicious snacks, has announced the closing of a $3.3 Million funding round led by KarpReilly and Stage 1 Fund.
PepsiCo commissions their largest greenfield potato chip plant in India, an investment of USD 110 million)
Septiembre 23, 2021

PepsiCo commissions their largest greenfield potato chip plant in Uttar Pradesh, India, investing USD 110 million

PepsiCo invests USD 110 million in a new potato chip plant in Kosi Kalan, Mathura spanning 29 acres. Pepsico will procure 150,000 tons of potatoes from more than 5,000 local farmers. This investment creates 1,500 jobs.
Google hypes the Pixel 6 in Japan with bag of Google Original Potato Chips
Septiembre 21, 2021

Google's next flagship product in Japan: potato chips

Google is going all out to advertise its next flagship phone around the world. In Japan, it offered 'Google Original (Potato) Chips' to highlight the new Tensor SoC in the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro.


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